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Understanding dependencies in project management

A project dependency is a task that relies on the completion of a different task. This article breaks down key terms associated with dependencies and the different kinds of dependencies you may see in project management. Much like a relay race, projects are often completed by passing tasks from one team member to the next. Unlike a relay race, some project tasks require other tasks to move forward before they can be started. This relationship between tasks is known as a dependency.

Marketing Your Game and Making Money: Choosing the Right Methods - and Keeping Your Team Working Smoothly Together

Launching a game into a jam-packed market and planning to make a profit requires more than just an original idea and slick gameplay to back it up. So much of success in this sphere boils down to picking the right marketing strategies that resonate with your target audience, as well as monetizing your pride and joy in an appropriate way. There’s also the fact that your team are the gears behind the scenes, and they need to mesh perfectly to drive your project forward properly at all points.

How I do it in Miro: Jumpstart journey mapping with product designer Maureen H.

Previously we launched a new “How I do it in Miro” video series hosted both by regular users and our very own Mironeers. These videos are designed to help you learn — fast — how you can use Miro for your specific job. The first video featured Miro UX researcher Deniz Kartepe, who demonstrated how he uses Miro to run a research project end to end. You can read about it here.

How to create a cross-functional team in 4 simple steps

A cross-functional team is a permanent or temporary group of people with different types of experience working together to achieve a common goal. Cross-functional teams benefit companies because when team members with multiple skill sets work together, they can pursue company goals more efficiently. In this piece, we’ll explain what a cross-functional team is and provide tips for how to build one.

MS Teams unbundled from Office [+3 reasons why it matters]

In April 2024, Microsoft unbundled MS Teams from the rest of the Office package globally. This news comes almost six months after Microsoft unbundled Teams in Europe. Microsoft says that the global unbundling made sense to make pricing easier for global organizations operating in Europe.

5 Examples Of Passive Communication and How To Deal With It

Professional communication can be tricky at times. When you send an email or a message, the person on the other end might not understand what you mean. Even if you spend time crafting your message, it can still be misinterpreted. This is important, whether you’re working remotely or in person. In emails or chats, you have to be extra careful with your words and punctuation to avoid confusion. As we continue to work remotely, dealing with difficult team members might become a challenge again.

Fact vs. fiction - Understanding the role of generative AI in employee-facing applications (webinar recap)

In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), it can be tough to distinguish between myth and reality. The challenge intensifies for organizations exploring the use of generative AI in employee-facing applications.

Program manager vs. project manager: Key differences

You may know what project management is, but have you ever heard the term program management? While the two sound similar, you might be surprised to learn there’s a lot that sets them apart. Whether you’re searching for the right role for your team or want to improve your work management processes and methodologies, we’ll help you understand the differences between a program manager vs. project manager.

Achieve continuous improvement with as-is and to-be process mapping

In 1952, brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald closed their BBQ restaurant for three months to focus on one small aspect of their business: hamburgers. Like many other restaurants at that time, their processes were slow and inefficient. They cooked menu items to order, used non-disposable dishes, and delivered meals via carhops. To cut costs and serve hamburgers faster, the brothers took their crew out to a tennis court.

Next in EX: Unifying employee experience technology (ebook excerpt)

This is the second part of a series about the future of employee experience (EX). For the full picture, get your free copy of Next in EX: Trends shaping employee experience. Too many employees have too many tools, creating a sense of digital friction that fractures their attention, causes frustration, and limits productivity. This technology overload holds employees back instead of propelling them forward — this poor employee experience (EX) impacts key organizational outcomes.