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The perfect project status report template for agencies

One key element of project management is keeping team members and key stakeholders continually updated on project progress. For large projects and teams, though, keeping everyone in the loop regarding the project's status is often easier said than done. This is especially true when you consider that 60% of project managers are running between two and five projects simultaneously, while 15% are running 10 or more projects at once.

7 Common Time Wasters in the Workplace (and how you can deal with them)

Wasting time is a common phenomenon in the workplace. You are surrounded by many time wasters that are continuously wasting your necessary time but don’t notice that you are in time theft. Time theft means a glance at the phone might seem harmless, but every time you check Facebook and other social media. Maximum of eight hours is your office time, and employers are not sure what you are doing in the office time?

B2B Customer Service: What it Is and Why it Matters

Customer service (CS) seems like a simple enough concept on the surface. And yet, the practices and preparation required—to provide a truly unique customer experience and create loyal clients—take a greater depth of understanding and experience to get things right. This is especially true for meeting the needs of businesses, which are naturally more complex and comprehensive than those of individual consumers.

What is computer monitoring? (Plus 5 top tools to use)

A computer system is an integral part of every workspace. Employees usually perform most of their job tasks directly on their computer system or through a remote computer. But there’s a lot of sensitive and confidential information stored and shared over these interconnected computers. So it’s no surprise that computer monitoring is vital for most businesses. But what is computer monitoring exactly, and how does it help your business?

Overservicing: What it is and 6 techniques to avoid it

We often talk about the importance of customer service to today’s discerning customers. And while it’s true that we can't overstate the value of excellent customer service, it’s also true that there’s too much of a good thing when servicing customers. It’s called “overservicing,” and it can lead to diminishing returns for bottom-line-minded companies.

What Does Tier 3 Help Desk Do? Duties, Skills, and Examples

Tier 3 help desk is the fourth layer in the five levels of IT support. Its main goals are to solve complex incidents and be a key stakeholder in problem resolution and knowledge sharing. Level 3 is typically the highest level of technical skill in the organization and involves roles such as server admins, network specialists, product engineers, and developers.

Leading Through Difficult Times: Top Tips for Managers

Leadership is not a prize you can get from a cereal box. It takes hard work, determination, and a strong vision to be an effective leader. On top of that leadership is even more crucial for success during hard times, as it shows you how to lead through the ups and downs of life. As a manager, you must provide guidance and support to your team, especially during challenging moments. In this blog post, we will discuss top tips for leading your team through a rough patch. Keep reading!