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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

Scoro & PieSync: Have your contacts in sync with 200+ other apps

Scoro centralizes the most important aspects of your business, and allows you to manage your team, projects, clients, and finances easily in a single solution. One of the great things about having a central platform covering different processes is that it provides a 360° overview of your prospects and customers. But what if you are using additional business applications next to Scoro, and wish to keep all that customer data together?

Nifty Tutorial: Project Milestones

Plan, track, and automate your project's progress and key sprints with Nifty milestones. Creating Project Milestones at the outset of a project gives context to your project's tasks and provides clarity to your current progress. Since visualization is also important, you can use the Swimlane View which intersects milestones with task lists to get a birds-eye view and control over your milestones and tasks.

Introducing multi Jira Project integrations, custom grouping & more

In’s latest release, we’ve launched several practical tools that will help ramp up your team’s efficiency, as well as introduced an exciting improvement to our Jira integration with multi Jira Project integrations. Let’s take a quick look at these updates. - Using the Spec editor

A core part of every Product Manager’s job is to create the documentation that describes the user problem, the business opportunity and the solution design that drive the product development process. Exactly for this, we built the Craft editor - a powerful and unique tool that gives you the ability to write great product specs within the context you and your team needs

The Project Management Guide for Remote Teams

The end of 2019 was also the beginning of something catastrophic: the COVID-19 pandemic. The global pandemic has been responsible for threatening the economy and triggering debates concerning the second recession of the millennium, and for many organizations, it has also resulted in the immediate shift to remote work.

Why we love/hate Slack, adjusting personalities, & influencing remote work culture

Last week we held the next session of our webinar series and asked the question, “How can product managers thrive when working remotely?” CEO Elad Simon sat down (virtually) with Arif Gursel, CEO of ViBEHEAVY, for a lively and insightful chat that touched on the best ways for remote teams to communicate, avoid potentially detrimental tools, and the role PMs have to play in this transforming world of remote work.

Everything I need to know about coping with crisis, I learned from the Agile Manifesto

We’re many weeks into the COVID-19 crisis and, I don’t know about you, but things still feel chaotic to me. Part of it is trying to work from home while also homeschooling a 6-year old and 9-year old. Part of it is trying to keep up with all the recommendations and requirements from our public health officials. The big reason things feel chaotic to me, though, is all the uncertainty.

Top 11 integrations to keep your remote tools and teams connected with Asana

Ready or not, we’ve entered an age of remote work. But as the physical distance between individuals has grown, so has the need to keep teams and tools connected. To do so, we recommend integrating your favorite business tools to help limit toggle fatigue and maximize visibility into the work happening across your organization. Here are some top integrations that remote teams use daily to keep their work connected, from anywhere, with Asana.

Action website feedback with the Teamwork + Userback integration

Make it easier for your team and clients to report visual feedback from any web page or app and automatically add it as a task in Teamwork with the new Teamwork and Userback integration. When it comes to collecting feedback on web pages and apps, endless screenshots and important information being buried in long email threads is a struggle that agencies, developers and designers are all too familiar with.