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Adapting to Flextime: A Comprehensive Guide for Managers

‍ As shifts within the employment landscape continue to develop, one distinctive employment model is gaining considerable attention: flextime. With immeasurable potential to reinvent the traditional workspace, flextime champions adaptability, forward-thinking, and a comprehensive focus on employee satisfaction and efficacy.

Introduction to M-Files for Microsoft Teams Add-In | The Smarter Way To Work

Knowledge work is done on collaboration platforms, such as Microsoft Teams. M-Files for Microsoft Teams Add-In enables M-Files users and anyone they invite to their Teams outside their organization, to securely and conveniently collaborate on M-Files content.

9 Best AI Productivity Tools That Will Improve Your Efficiency in 2023

‍ To keep up with the modern world’s fast-paced functioning, you have to maintain maximum productivity levels at all times. There is no room for indolence, as it can cause you to stay behind. Such proficient work can only be made possible with the latest AI tools. From document management to email marketing or project management, these tools can do it all. These tools have revolutionized the work dynamic for multiple organizations around the world.

PLG marketing: What it is, how it accelerates growth, and strategies to know

Product-led growth (a go-to-market strategy that uses the product itself as the primary means of growing the customer base) is an increasingly popular approach. It’s highly effective in the right situations, but marketing a product-led business is a little bit different. It might even require some adjustments to your marketing team structure — which is how we’ve ended up with a new approach called PLG marketing.

Top 10 Technology Trends Transforming Data Centers In 2023

Data centers (DC) play a role in today’s digital landscape. Without them, businesses would struggle to handle the amount of data generated daily. Moreover, managing our reliance on technology would become increasingly challenging. To effectively support your business and clients while staying competitive in your field, it is essential to stay updated with the developments in the data center industry.

8 ways to increase customer lifetime value

Which is better: One week off starting tomorrow, or four extra days off every month for the entire next year? A whole pie for dessert tonight, or a slice every night, forever? Five bags of potato chips (but you have to eat them all today), or a steady supply of free chips over the next 20 years? We all agree, right? The long-term play (or lifetime value) is better because long-term stability beats short-term success every time.

Rebuilding trust after layoffs, mergers & acquisitions with Julia Christenson,

This episode features an interview with Julia Christenson, U.S. Employee Experience Chair at Edelman. In this episode, Amanda and Julia discuss the sticky factor of employee experience, the power of employee recognition, and how to establish trust in difficult times.

Timesheet Compliance Demystified: Legal Considerations Unveiled

Timesheets are the foundation for countless organizational financial, operational, and legal decisions. In the dynamic business world, the accuracy and compliance of timesheets are more critical than ever. However, navigating timesheet management’s intricate legal requirements can often seem daunting. In this blog post, we will discuss timesheet compliance in detail.