Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Potential of Proactive Customer Support to Power Long-term Success

Imagine this: meeting a new acquaintance who raves about meeting you, but never follows up on making plans, and forgets your name when they bump into you. Now imagine another new acquaintance, this time who remembers your name, is still in contact with you months later, and sends you interesting resources that make your life better. Who would you prefer?

How to Prepare for the New Age of Customer Experience in UK Retail

If you’ve worked in customer experience for long, you probably know that change is the only constant in retail. And that’s what keeps our job exciting, right? As customer preferences continually evolve, it’s our responsibility to continue raising the bar and meet their heightened expectations. But surprisingly, most UK retailers aren’t doing that.

­­Understanding B2B Customer Support in the UK

As technology continues to move forward, more companies are seeing an influx of international customers that didn’t exist a decade ago. For many companies based in the United States, a large percentage of their new international customers are from the United Kingdom (aka “the UK”). Made up of four countries – England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland – the UK may share a common language with the US, but there are some notable cultural differences.

What is Workativ Assistant

In today's modern workplace environment, providing a great workplace IT support helps define a positive culture of an organization. Once your employees are given proper support, the productivity increases, naturally. In a traditional IT support model, employees spend a lot of time writing lengthy emails or making long calls with the IT Helpdesk.

How to Improve Customer Experience with Data Mining

Data mining, unfortunately, has a very scary reputation. For example, social media companies have been able to use people’s social media activity to predict “political preference, personality score, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, intelligence, along with things like how much you trust the people you know, and how strong those relationships are.”

How can you change the appearance of your OneDesk emails?

OneDesk has lots of configurations to allow you to control the emails we send on your behalf. All these options can be fond under Administration > Email settings. These options include: You can control the content and appearance of the emails we send. All these changes can be made inside your account under: ADMINISTRATION > EMAIL SETTINGS > APPEARANCE

How A Non-Profit uses OneDesk to collect tickets

Non-profit organizations have to be savvy in knowing how being efficient with their funds. This translates further into needing efficiency in how work is managed and tracked. For non-profits that have been around for some time, there tends to be a lot of tired, old workflows that are not using the most effective software to do this management.

The Top 5 Most Important Metrics to Customer Success Teams

With more companies creating and expanding their customer success teams than ever before, it’s critical that leadership focuses on the right metrics to accurately gauge their work. Remember, this team isn’t just an extension of customer support, so common metrics like average ticket close time will fail at accurately representing their contribution to your company.

Improving CSAT and ticket resolution with app marketplaces

Online marketplaces offer a wealth of solutions for companies of all shapes and sizes looking to improve the quality, speed, and efficacy of their customer service and support experiences. But while marketplaces are an incredible resource with nearly limitless possibilities, they can be overwhelming, intimidating, and confusing if you don’t know what you’re looking for.