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Selecting a helpdesk solution to track support emails

If you have been on the lookout for a helpdesk solution to help you track incoming support emails, you have probably already come across several options. This post discusses the types of solutions available in the market, without getting deep into individual features. Hopefully this will provide a decision framework that will help you determine the type of solutions you need, so that afterwards you can go on and evaluate only those that fall into the category you need.

How moderators can make your community a better place

As community forums become essential tools for scaling support, it’s natural for companies to need some help keeping things organized, ensuring the conversation runs smoothly and everyone can tap into the wisdom of the crowd. That’s where moderators come in: to help your community grow into, and remain, a destination.

When Do You Know it's Time to Switch Helpdesk?

There are times when a company or its support agents can be unhappy with the helpdesk they use. The reasons for this can vary – either the UI is not user-friendly, or the helpdesk does not easily integrate with other platforms, and many more. Yet, businesses tend to stick to one helpdesk despite their shortcomings – why?

15+ Customer Support Tools Every Support Team Needs

If your business (being it eCommerce, brick and mortar or any other type) is going to attract and retain high-value customers, you have to offer amazing customer support. In other words, you have to build strong relationships, give your customers what they need, and show them you care. So your support team must use the best customer support tools available.