Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


What Is The Business Importance Of Customer Satisfaction

To nobody’s surprise, sturdy success starts with good foundations. While the building materials have changed drastically and improved remarkably over time, the foundation of any good business is ultimately the satisfaction of its customers. Arguably, it’s easy to overlook the importance of customer satisfaction when the issues aren’t obvious. Just like the wiring of a house, you expect it to be there and working perfectly.

6 creative ways to boost team morale without sounding fake

Successful companies are more than just productivity and revenue hubs. These places institutionalize making their workers feel engaged, so they trust and believe in the overall direction of the company. All of this positivity might make it seem like great organizations don’t need to boost team morale—but that’s simply untrue. Keeping employees engaged and satisfied is still a huge challenge, no matter how successful the business might be.

What's New in Asana | June 2021

Get ready for June’s bright new batch of Asana updates! Desktop app: Minimize distractions and maximize focus and flow. Keep the Asana desktop app open alongside your other favorite apps during the workday. Universal reporting: Build dashboards that give you real-time visibility and actionable insights across all the projects and teams in your organization. Then share them with the rest of your team to keep everyone on the same page.

What world-class customer experience design looks like in 2021

Companies are increasingly trying to promote customer experience into a key selling point. And for good reason—the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2021 found that 75 percent of customers will pay a premium to buy from brands that provide a great customer experience. Exceptional customer experiences require exceptional customer experience design. But what does that really look like?

Workpuls - Business-Powering Workforce Productivity and Analytics

Did you know that the average employee is only productive for 2 hours and 35 minutes per day? Workpuls is a workforce #productivity and analytics solution that helps organizations drive productivity, benchmark performance and improve efficiency. Take the pulse of your company and better understand how productive your employees are. Our #timetracking software can give you insights into how, when and why your employees do their best work so you can get the most out of them daily.

Top 7 Virtual Call Center Software for 2021

Due to COVID regulations and virtual call center software innovations, virtual customer service teams have grown in popularity. With cloud-based virtual call center solutions, remote agents can be more productive, and business owners can manage their call virtual center operations with ease. But with several virtual call center tools out there, which one is the best tool for you?

10 Simple Tips to Reduce Call Center Attrition (2021 Guide)

Do you know how expensive call center attrition can be? Voluntary attrition of an employee is never a good thing. When employees leave, businesses have to spend time and money to replace them with new hires. This can drive down efficiency and profit margins. But how do you reduce employee turnover? In this article, we’ll talk about call center attrition, what causes it, and how it affects your business.

In-App Messaging Explained (With Examples and Best Practices)

In-app messages are amazing tools you can use to propel sales, onboard a new user, and interact with your users daily. It can diminish the volume of live attention requests your customer service team receives, and make it easier for the sales team to convert new users. In-app messaging is vital for your customer engagement strategy. If you know how to use it, you’ll reach the right user at the right time to address their queries. But, what is in-app messaging?