How to Build Collaboration Skills in a Remote Workplace
One of the essential skills of any remote working environment is the ability to collaborate. Today, we will be showing you the techniques you and your employees can use to build yours.
One of the essential skills of any remote working environment is the ability to collaborate. Today, we will be showing you the techniques you and your employees can use to build yours.
When Innisfree M&A found out their previous document management platform would be discontinued thanks to a corporate merger, the New York-based stakes shareholder engagement firm knew they needed to act quickly and deliberately to ensure a smooth migration of their valuable data. The lesson Innisfree learned in the process?
Trust. It’s a word thrown around a lot. But how can you actually build trust in the workplace? The reality is that trust takes time to build and can easily be shattered. So what can you do? It’s all about your leaders.
It's not unusual for teams to experience lack of productivity. But finding a solution can be a difficult task. Can these 8 tricks help? Let’s find out!
It's known that time tracking and employee monitoring are both very useful, but which one is better for you?
Which is better: One week off starting tomorrow, or four extra days off every month for the entire next year? A whole pie for dessert tonight, or a slice every night, forever? Five bags of potato chips (but you have to eat them all today), or a steady supply of free chips over the next 20 years? We all agree, right? The long-term play (or lifetime value) is better because long-term stability beats short-term success every time.
Product-led growth (a go-to-market strategy that uses the product itself as the primary means of growing the customer base) is an increasingly popular approach. It’s highly effective in the right situations, but marketing a product-led business is a little bit different. It might even require some adjustments to your marketing team structure — which is how we’ve ended up with a new approach called PLG marketing.
To keep up with the modern world’s fast-paced functioning, you have to maintain maximum productivity levels at all times. There is no room for indolence, as it can cause you to stay behind. Such proficient work can only be made possible with the latest AI tools. From document management to email marketing or project management, these tools can do it all. These tools have revolutionized the work dynamic for multiple organizations around the world.