Are your employees engaged at work? Chances are, they’re not. Data shows that only 32% of the American workforce is engaged in their work. That leaves a whopping two-thirds who feel some level of disengagement from their job. A company’s culture profoundly affects employee engagement levels, as well as other aspects like customer service quality and staff retention. Fostering a healthy workplace culture is highly important, and most people agree.
No project manager can handle everything alone. They need the power of product management tools by their side to get things done faster, smarter, and optimally. If you are looking to add a robust suite of product management software tools to add to your tech stack, this guide is for you. We will deep-dive into some of the most powerful product management tools you can leverage and don multiple hats like a pro!
Customer service is crucial to the success of a business. If you’re new to the concept of customer service or just want to keep yourself up to date with the latest trends, we’ve got you covered.
Pursuing productivity has become a relentless journey in a world that never stops moving. We all strive to accomplish more in less time, to unlock our full potential, and to soar beyond the ordinary. But how do we embark on this quest for peak efficiency and effectiveness? The answer often lies in the wisdom and insights found within the pages of books.
Staying ahead of the competition requires a strategic approach to IT service management. This post will help to answer the following questions.
A perceived lack of fair or competitive compensation is a major reason for employee turnover, and ‘compensation’ includes more than a person’s take-home pay packet. It pays to understand the varied ways you can compensate employees—including comp time—and how to do so while staying within the law.