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Grouping Information in M-Files | The Smarter Way To Work

In this video, we cover the different ways of grouping related information together in M-Files. There are multiple ways you can group and bundle information together, so that information is easier to find and understand. For instance, Views: Views allow you to save frequently used searches and define grouping levels. Does your M-Files look different? - This video features the latest M-Files user interface (released in November 2022). Please note that the lessons in this video still apply.

Creating Multifile Documents in M-Files | The Smarter Way To Work

This video shows you how you can convert a single file to a multi file in M-Files. A multi-file document is a single document with multiple subfile, with a single metadata card. The difference from a document collection is that all the files in the multi-file document are bundled together under a single metadata card. Does your M-Files look different? - This video features the latest M-Files user interface (released in November 2022). Please note that the lessons in this video still apply.

Creating Document Collections in M-Files | The Smarter Way To Work

This video demonstrates how you can group information by creating your own document collections in M-Files. A document collection is a set of interrelated documents. The difference from a multi-file document is that each member of a document collection is independent and has its own metadata. In addition, the document collection has a collective set of metadata that is independent of the member documents. By contrast, in a multi-file document, all document files share the document's properties.

Creating Relationships Between Objects in M-Files | The Smarter Way To Work

This video shows how you can build relationships between items in M-Files through metadata. Does your M-Files look different? - This video features the latest M-Files user interface (released in November 2022). Please note that the lessons in this video still apply. To upgrade to the new user interface, please consult your organization's M-Files Business admin to see about updating your M-Files application.

Social media project management: Strategies and processes to crush your content creation

Managing your brand’s presence across social media platforms is tough. But bringing successful social media strategies to fruition? That's even harder. Social media project managers have a difficult job, no doubt about that — but if you’re using the right workflows and strategies for content creation, you’ll be able to rule social networks with content that draws leads in droves.

More Power To You: Workstatus Product Updates December 2022

Welcome to the Workstatus product update for December! We’re excited to share what our team has been working on this month. This month, we’ve made some major improvements to our powerful workforce management software. We’ve also released in-demand new features for our desktop and mobile app that make it even easier to track your time, manage your workforce, organize your workflow and get more done.

Collaboration made simple: Communicate your ideas anytime, anywhere with Talktrack

It’s not uncommon for knowledge workers today to be confronted by an impenetrable block of back-to-back meetings upon opening their work calendars each day. Our research shows that 40% of today’s knowledge workers say in-person and virtual meetings are the most draining part of their typical work day. In some cases, email and instant messaging have become the default alternative to meetings, but they’re imperfect solutions, scrubbing communication of essential context and tone.