If you run a Business Process Outsourcing firm, you already know it’s the best time for the BPO industry. Numerous businesses worldwide are relying on outsourcing companies to access work flexibility and cost-efficiency. However, with the growing demand for Business Process Outsourcing services and the need to provide greater efficiency, outsourcing companies need a proper BPO management toolkit – now more than ever. What’s that? Why’s it important? Don’t worry.
Let’s face it, you didn’t start an agency because you’re obsessed with numbers. But whether you like it or not, understanding your business and how to set yourself (and your team!) up for success often starts with and comes down to numbers.
Finding the right online employee scheduling software that works with your business model and needs has never been more important. Running an agency requires managing not only the business at hand but also all of the people who do the work and scheduling them to fit everything in can be complicated. Agencies are often asked to complete projects on short notice, which means you have to adjust schedules quickly to assign skilled individuals to new projects.
Just before the holidays in 2021, the marketing team at Mural was met with the most brow-furrowing of work problems: Company leaders presented them with an abstract-sounding challenge and gave them a hard deadline to figure it out. Mural was going to complete its first acquisition in its 10-year history and establish a new market category. But how does one launch a new category? And what is this new category? How does one communicate that positive transformation to customers?
Getting new employees is expensive and takes up a lot of time and resources. Hiring a new employee costs on average $4000, according to Glassdoor. Additionally, the U.S. is currently suffering from the Great Resignation, an unprecedented amount of workers leaving their jobs. For that reason, it is important to try and retain as many of your current employees as possible. You will probably also face the challenge of hiring new talents. It is not easy, and you need all the help you can get.
As the world turned digital, the FinTech industry was ready to ride the wave. But now the market is showing signs of slowing. FinTechs that are not growing their user base are at risk of being acquired. And because there are now so many players in the digital space, there’s fierce competition to keep and acquire new customers. And therein lies the key to success: customers. More and more, the distinction between a stellar FinTech and a struggling one is the quality of its customer experience.