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Why getting to know your team is the first step to effective project management

Project management is a complex process that requires extensive coordination between team members in order to ensure that everything runs smoothly. One of the most important steps in successful project management is getting to know your team and establishing a positive working environment.

5 habits that can impact your ability to get things done

Are you finding it difficult to stay on top of your tasks in 2023? With the world being increasingly fast-paced, it’s more important than ever to stay organized and have the ability to get things done. This post will discuss the key strategies that will help you manage urgent tasks efficiently and effectively in 2023. Get Things Done With Ease! Signup now.

5 monthly reporting templates and must-know tips

Monthly reports are an excellent tool for keeping team members and stakeholders updated on things like project statuses, company goals and milestones, department performance, and a broad range of other pertinent information. However, generating numerous reports each month can often be an overwhelming task. Today, most project managers rely on monthly report templates to streamline this process and ensure that all the most important details are covered.

The 6 Hidden Pros of Flexible Planning

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like nothing was going to plan? This can happen especially when we’re trying to achieve a big goal, like starting a business or organizing an event. We plan our steps, create deadlines, and execute them with great precision – only to find out that the result doesn’t match our expectations. What if there is an alternative approach? Flexible planning could be what you need.

How to collaborate effectively in the age of remote work?

As the world adjusts to the new normal of remote work, collaboration has become more important than ever. From brainstorming to problem-solving, effective collaboration is the key to success. In this blog article, we’ll explore how you can collaborate effectively in the age of remote work and unlock your team’s potential.

Help Desk vs. Service Desk vs. ITSM: The Importance of Knowing the Difference

When implementing new IT solutions, businesses can employ a number of strategies to improve existing systems. In many cases, the value of these strategies correlates to their scale. Businesses of different sizes have varying needs that scale alongside them—larger organizations with system-wide setbacks often require sizable investments to obtain evenly matched software solutions.

January releases: Idea clustering, EU data residency & more

2023 is in full swing and we’re excited to build products and features to help teams innovate and create the next big thing. This month, we introduced new ways to cluster ideas by keywords, updated our EU data residency, and more. For a deeper understanding of our new features, here is our roundup of releases from January.