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How To Land An Interview: Tips From Scoro's Recruitment Team

We’ve shared stories about Scoro’s company culture, given tips on recruiting world-class talent, and explained how we use Scoro to manage daily work. Today you can read about how to upgrade your application form and increase your chances of landing an interview. Have you ever been in a situation where you find a job description and understand that it is exactly what you have been looking for?

Swarming, Scrum, and How They Can Benefit Your Organization

Project management is hard. Even if you arm yourself with the best team and the best resources, unexpected issues may arise creating delays or other bottlenecks. In fact, according to a 2021 report, the role of project managers is so stressful that 37% of them have considered leaving their jobs. The good news is that, over the decades, the industry has developed frameworks to consistently deliver projects without exceeding the resources or missing the deadlines.

6 best open source healthcare software

Open source software has been used in various industries across world regions for its specific advantages. More and more open source projects are being used as viable alternatives to expensive proprietary software. In highly regulated industries such as healthcare, data privacy regulations and complex IT environments may pose a challenge to keep up with the latest technology developments. That’s why many organizations turn to open source healthcare software.

5 Best Timesheet Software with GPS (In-Depth Look)

What are the benefits of using a GPS timesheet software? As several of our customers mentioned in their review: In this article, we’ll start by discussing how Buddy Punch — our GPS timesheet app — works. Then, we’ll list four other timesheet software with GPS, so you can make a well-informed decision.

Client Project Management (5 Best Practices)

Client project management can present a range of challenges. Establishing solid working relationships with your clients is critical to retention. These are the foundation of any successful service business. If you’re unable to inspire retention and suffer from high churn, this can throw the sustainability of your service business into question. So, what’s the secret to success?

An All-New Approach to How You Measure Employee Productivity in 2022

One of the most important driving factors of a healthy business is employee productivity. The way we measure employee productivity has been evolving for years. To manage today’s workforce, companies need to continue to embrace new tools, boost employee engagement, set clear expectations and regularly stay in touch. It is the only way for enterprises to compete successfully in a technological reality that is undeniably here to stay.

How to Retain and Engage Executives Through Strategic Onboarding

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard of the Great Resignation. This unprecedented movement of professionals quitting their jobs to move to better positions, take time off to spend with family or pursue other personal endeavors hit employee experience professionals unexpectedly and without a plan. In November of 2021 alone, over 4.5 million people decided to go their way – an attrition rate that exceeded pre-pandemic rates with room to spare.