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5 innovative ways to encourage AI adoption in your org

In the evolving landscape of AI, sticking strictly to the traditional playbook is unlikely to yield the best results. Integrating new technology like AI into your business operations is often met with resistance. It's human nature—we're generally wary of change. To truly get your employees on board with AI, you'll need to think differently. Flipping the script on conventional wisdom could be the catalyst you need for change.

How to Unlock Workforce Potential with Employee Time Trackers?

Today, for running any business smoothly, the most important parameters that are needed are efficiency and productivity. And in most businesses today, we are not able to use the full potential or harness the power of the full potential of a workforce. And for harnessing the full potential of a workforce, all we need is prudent employee time-tracking software. For tracking time to harness the full potential of a workforce, the best employee time-tracking software becomes a game changer. Get Free Demo.

What is a Toxic Work Environment and How to Deal With It?

We’ve all had dreadful mornings, difficult weekdays, and even frustrating months. You can usually get through a horrible morning, or a difficult week, and acquire vital insights from a poor quarter but it’s not easy to get through a toxic work environment. It’s even difficult to accept that you may work in a toxic environment, and possibly even more difficult to perceive it. However, the indications are relatively common. They are, unfortunately, more common than you might assume.

Tips for Freelancers Looking to Master Project Management

By this point in your freelance career, you’ve likely got a few clients under your belt. But as your client list grows or as more projects come through the door, you will need a way to handle this. How you manage your time, workload, client communication, and everything in between ultimately affects the quality of your work and your relationship with your clients. Having a handle on your freelance project management skills will make your career much easier and far more rewarding.

Best Time Management Techniques for 2024

In today’s corporate world, time management techniques have become the need of the hour. One of the most essential attributes corporates look for is effective time management skills. The reason is simple: better time management equals better overall efficiency. As a result, developing more vital and effective time management skills is important. According to 2023 Time Management Statistical data, 10 to 12 minutes of time management planning each day can save you two hours.

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10 Reasons for Poor Teams and Zoom Call Quality

Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) platforms play a vital role in facilitating seamless communication and efficient teamwork within the modern digital workplace. This reality is particularly important in light of the growing prevalence of hybrid and remote work. Zoom and Microsoft Teams, two leading UCC applications, have gained widespread popularity across global organizations. Before the rise of Zoom, often Cisco Webex or Goto-Meeting was the collaborative and presentation platform of choice for Enterprises. What's detailed here for Zoom and Teams, also holds true for the more traditional remote meeting apps like Webex and Goto.

Four new reports to better understand your team, projects, tasks, and time

As we wave goodbye to 2023, it’s a natural time to look back and reflect on all of your achievements from the past year. To help you out during this time of observation, we’ve launched 4 new reports that will help you analyze, understand, and draw conclusions about your work. Now with greater ease, you can report on the past and know what actions to take to set your team, projects, tasks, and time up for success in the future. Here we come, 2024!

A History of Customer Support Technology

There are more ways than ever for customers to get in touch with tech support. Ever wonder what customer service looked like 50 or 60 years ago? It certainly wasn’t as accessible or intuitive as it is today. Here’s a look back at how customer support technologies evolved over the last century, and a peak at where they’re going next.