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How the Pandemic Changed Business Forever?

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread panic and disruption on a scale that is hard to comprehend. Amid all this chaos, one silver lining has been the rise of remote working. Forced to adapt to a new reality, large and small businesses have embraced remote working to keep their operations running during these challenging times.

Collaboration made simple: Communicate your ideas anytime, anywhere with Talktrack

It’s not uncommon for knowledge workers today to be confronted by an impenetrable block of back-to-back meetings upon opening their work calendars each day. Our research shows that 40% of today’s knowledge workers say in-person and virtual meetings are the most draining part of their typical work day. In some cases, email and instant messaging have become the default alternative to meetings, but they’re imperfect solutions, scrubbing communication of essential context and tone.

Why business survival and stability hinges on CX transformation

Delivering an outstanding customer experience (CX) has never been more important. In fact, according to the findings of the Zendesk CX Accelerator 2022 report, customers are even less patient now than they were a year ago when it comes to the quality of the interactions they have with companies. Failure to meet their expectations can also carry a heavy cost, pushing customers towards competitors, denting revenue growth, and reducing net promoter scores.

How to Craft an Effective Communication With Clients for Business?

Effective two-way dialogue is the bedrock of long-lasting client relationships. Your customers want to feel listened to and appreciated no matter what they’re discussing with you: expectations, needs, or difficulties. There’s no need to be glued to your workstation all day, only to field phone calls and emails. On the other hand, whether you’re at the office or working from home, you can communicate effectively using various tools.

Layoffs in 2023: How to survive & thrive

With tech giants such as Amazon and Meta slashing thousands of employees, Google employees say there’s growing anxiety internally that layoffs may come shortly. On the other hand, many small and large organisations have predicted a future recession. Maybe they’re correct, as the dark clouds don't seem very far. The year has been tough for the tech sector in both the U.S. and India. According to the data compiled by

8 best project scheduling software in 2023

When running a business, there are many tasks that your employees will need to complete to engage in a productive workday. These tasks tend to blend together, and if you’re not incredibly organized, you might struggle to remember what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. That’s why some business owners are adopting project scheduling software, making these platforms an integral part of their modern tech stack.

Project cost tracking: 8 steps for tracking costs and expenses

The importance of containing costs and staying within budget cannot be overstated in today's tight business landscape. Now consider that just 43% of organizations report “mostly or always” completing projects on budget. That means a whopping 57% of organizations routinely come in over budget on projects. If your business is part of that percentage, then you know that it can wreak havoc on your company's financial health. Enter cost tracking.