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Convene Digital Signature for Efficient and Compliant Sign-offs

Signatures are commonly used to signify acceptance or approval of an obligation when two parties enter into an agreement. In the UAE, Federal Decree Law No. 46 of 2021, also known as the “Electronic Transactions Law” has recently been passed granting electronic signatures the same legal validity as handwritten signatures. With this law, people can now use any form of electronic signature or stamp in their electronic transactions and documents.

13 powerful digital marketing agency tools your team needs

Who’s the first person you call when you have a busted pipe? Maybe your dad. Maybe your spouse. Most likely a plumber. Imagine that plumber walking into your home without his toolkit. He gives you a charming grin, stands in the Superman pose, and tells you that everything will be okay. That’s not comforting to you because you know that the busted pipe won’t be fixed without his tools. Your digital marketing team can’t do their jobs effectively without the right tools.

How a Customer Experience Leader Can Bolster Your CX Strategy for 2023

Customer Experience is king, with countless statistics that accentuate its importance. For instance, 78% of customers say that the quality of service is crucial to earning both their loyalty and repeat business. Looking ahead to 2023, how can you enhance your CX strategy? As you consider roles dedicated to the CX cause, Customer Experience Managers can be a valuable asset to your team. What do they do exactly and how can they help grow your business?

Your Guide To Achieving Operational Excellence In Project Management

Project managers are under more pressure than ever to deliver operational excellence. There are many changes to get used to in the post-pandemic world. Profit margins are still fluctuating, employees are still figuring out new ways to work, and clients’ hazy futures make it difficult to predict the company’s finances. But after more than a year of turbulence, growth and profitability are more important than ever. Because of this, many people choose operational excellence.

Workforce Optimization - What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

You must have heard about the four-day working week in Iceland and Belgium and how rapidly other parts of the world are following suit. Strategies like these are an attempt at optimizing the workforce. The policy would not have worked if not for higher levels of productivity and reduced stress in the workplace. Because of the rapidly changing trends in the business world, the focus has shifted from quantity to quality.

The 5 Best Ways to Invest in Employees and Boost Their Performance

When it comes to business, one of the most important things you can do is to invest in employees. By doing so, you are helping them improve their skills and boosting their performance. Investing in employees, in turn, will help your company achieve its goals and objectives. We will discuss five ways to invest in your employees and see positive results!

Benefits of Implementing a 4-Day Workweek

Back in the 1930s, economists projected that technological and productivity improvements would make a 15-hour workweek possible in 40-60 years. Yet, here we are in 2022, sticking with the traditional 40 hours. The pandemic has reignited the debates regarding productivity and the importance of work-life balance. Moreover, many companies have been experimenting with introducing the 4-day workweek and yielding interesting results.

Conversational CRM is the missing piece in your sales strategy

Humans and technology. Hollywood has long explored the relationship between the two, from synthetic intelligence in sci-fi movies like Ex Machina to androids living in alternate realities in HBO’s Westworld. In those films and television shows, technology is often depicted as being wildly disruptive, even malevolent. While Hollywood gives us exaggerated stories for entertainment, it does offer a lens into how technology and methodologies can upend how we live.