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The Power of Email and Chat: Connect Your CX Support Strategy to Multichannel Conversations

In today’s digital-first world, there are copious channels for conversations to take place. Chat, it seems, has emerged as the shiny new avenue for support, especially in the world of chatbots and AI, and email has fallen to the wayside. While email may be overlooked in lieu of its modern counterparts, in fact, our research team found that 47% of people prefer to contact a company for customer service over email, compared to phone and Web Chat, both at 23%.

10 Simple Strategies to Keep Your Remote Employees' Retention High

Remote working from anywhere has many benefits, but staying engaged and motivated can also be challenging when you’re not in an office setting. Finding ways to keep your remote employees happy and productive is essential, or they may become disengaged and start looking for other opportunities. We will discuss ten simple strategies that you can use to keep your remote employees engaged and loyal!

The Hottest Black Friday SaaS Deals of 2022

Black Friday and Thanksgiving deals are the best time to grab the exact solution for your business that you have been eyeing for a while! However, being aware of the Thanksgiving deals and Black Friday deals are the key to not missing any exciting offers. We curated this list of the best deals that you just need to grab. Let’s get to it!

Strategic Human Resource Management: What is it and how can it benefit your organization?

In today’s digital era, the role of HR has been at risk of being downgraded to a position different from those that come into core business goals. Furthermore, the challenges of handling operations with a constantly evolving workflow made the HR leaders emphasize on improving workplace productivity to assist businesses in staying ahead of their competitors. This gives birth to the concept of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM).

How the Power of Gratitude Relates to Employee Experience | Simpplr

Carolyn Clark, VP of Employee Experience and Transformation, described how she had implemented an intranet for 20,000 employees at Yahoo that was, to say the least, not easy. She left the company in 2018, looking for a change. And as though on cue, she received a message on LinkedIn from Dhiraj Sharma, the CEO of Simpplr.

12 Best Collaboration Tools for Cross-Functional Teams

Effective cross-functional collaboration can be just the thing you need to propel your business to the heights of success. It helps in building harmony across the organization and also spurs innovation. So how do you ensure effective cross-functional collaboration between your teams? – By using collaboration tools In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best collaboration tools and also look at the various ways cross-functional collaboration can benefit your organization.

8 Ways You Can Meet Customer Expectations

If you wish to build a loyal customer base, you must be willing to go the extra mile to meet customer expectations every time you engage with a customer. That’s because customer loyalty is a by-product of high customer satisfaction. Many companies seem to think that their customer expectations will be met with whatever it is that they offer, but that’s rarely ever the case.