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How To Conduct An Effective Customer Service Performance Review

Conducting an impactful customer service performance review sets the stage not just for the evaluation and growth of your team members but can also identify larger trends within your support strategy. However, many pieces make up an individual’s customer support career development, and it can get difficult to track them regularly. You’ve got performance metrics to pay attention to, career growth, and paths of interest for your customer service representatives.

7 Laws of UX to Improve the Experience of IT Managers

The process of looking for a suitable software to work with doesn’t involve its functionalities and integrations alone. It’s not limited to your company and your own needs, either. Finding a tool that does everything you want is the ultimate goal, but if the layout is confusing or if the learning curve is too steep, the dream can rapidly become a nightmare. For that reason, besides features and needs, you should also focus on the laws of UX.

Guide to stakeholder management: Why it matters to do it right

Are you meeting, exceeding, or falling short of your stakeholders’ expectations? Because how you manage relationships between colleagues and collaborators matters. And your approach to stakeholder management does too. It’s no surprise that manager engagement drops as your team size and workload increase. If you’re juggling multiple projects, the struggle gets amplified. Meanwhile, the rise of remote work and cross-team collaboration forces teams to move and make decisions ASAP.

Does a 4 Day Work Week Actually Work?

Have you heard about the recent workplace buzz? The 4 day work week is a trendy workplace practice that is being talked about a lot. The key goal is to have three days off to achieve a better work-life balance. However, there are differing views on whether the 4 day work week achieves the desired objectives for both employees and the organization.

Stress at Work: Stress Management Techniques to Get You Through the Day

Stressful environments at work can decrease employee productivity, which means less revenue at the end of the month. Stress can be incredibly draining, especially at work, where you may be subjected to long hours, tight deadlines, and difficult co-workers. The workplace can be stressful, with tight deadlines, unrealistic expectations, and continuous work.

Product Customization: Benefits, Examples, & Tips

Imagine opening your Netflix account and seeing four independent Turkish television shows, an advertisement for a German horror movie, and three movies you’ve already seen, but didn’t really like. Not very helpful, right? Fortunately, Netflix has customized their product to offer personalized recommendations in a way that will please their users, and keep them coming back for more.

Should Your Company Implement a Hybrid Work Model?

The term “work from home” isn’t something new. Yet, it has come under highlight as the coronavirus pandemic kept billions homebound. Now, as vaccines kick in, companies find themselves experimenting with various options, including the hybrid work model. Even before the pandemic, various businesses find new challenges arising this century. Some examples include technology disruptors forcing companies to rework entire business models and the increasing risk of data theft.

6 Tips for Stress-Free Corporate Travel Planning

Planning corporate travel can be one of the most stressful aspects of any business trip. It’s incredibly easy to overlook little details that might come back to bite you during your time away from home or office. According to Reportlinker, the global market for business travel is all set to rise up to USD 829.5 billion by 2027.

Creative ways to stay connected with remote coworkers (that aren't a virtual happy hour)

As the months of remote work add up, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to partake in the virtual coffee dates and happy hours we relied on in the early days of the pandemic. Zoom fatigue is setting in, and it often feels better to simply opt out of the activities that aren’t required. Of course, we all need to make choices about how we spend our energy right now.

Productivity vs. Efficiency: What's More Important in the Workplace?

There are a lot of discussions these days about productivity vs. efficiency in the workplace. Many people believe that if we could just get more things done, we would be more successful. However, there is another side to this story: efficiency. It is just as important to be efficient as it is to be productive. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between productivity and efficiency and which one is more important in the workplace!