Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Troop Messenger - A Unified Business Messenger for Team Collaboration

Troop Messenger- a new effective business messenger app that holds the entire office on single screen letting all the team members to collaborate with each other. Troop Messenger offers both individual and group chat facility across IOS, Android or Web app. This app will support multiple app formats to share. You can also forward and reply to messages in the groups or in individual chats.

Greg Price - Clearer Code at Scale: Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox - PyCon 2018

Python now offers static types! Companies like Dropbox and Facebook, and open-source projects like Zulip, use static types (with PEP 484 and mypy) to make Python more productive and fun to work with — in existing codebases from 40k lines to 4 million, in Python 2 and 3, and while preserving the conciseness and flexibility that make Python a great language in the first place. I’ll describe how. Web 0.14 is HERE!!!

After far too long a wait, 0.14 is here (landing in conjunction with Synapse 0.27.3) and it’s a big one! We’re landing (big breath in): community filters, publicly-joinable communities, E2E stability across multiple tabs, E2E key re-request UX, granular settings, performance and memory footprint refactors, a new ‘Status’ theme and a whole bunch of languages! *phew*