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What is multilevel security, and why does it matter?

In today’s world, organizations must be conscious about protecting data and safeguarding the exchange of information. On top of that, digital transformation has become ubiquitous, covering everything from the organization's top-secret business leads to unclassified day-to-day operational information. With this level of digitization, the risk of cyberattacks also comes to the fore. A multilevel security (MLS) approach is crucial in privacy-conscious organizations prioritizing data security.

Breakdown in Communication: What is It and How to Deal With It

Do you know some companies don’t realize or admit they are suffering from communication breakdowns, which causes adverse outcomes like arguments between the teams leading to blame games, delays in deliveries, employees' poor performance affecting their morale, the noxious surge of customer complaints, and so on? The grievous problem is about the companies that don’t realize the breakdown in communication.

7 Common HIPAA violations and how to avoid them

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that requires healthcare providers and other covered entities to protect the privacy and security of patient health information. HIPAA is a common topic in the medical field, but sometimes it can be difficult to track what it refers to and how to avoid violations. Complying with HIPAA rules requires constant effort and customization.

On-premise solutions: 5 reasons why they're getting more popular

Lately, on-premise solutions are experiencing an upsurge. Although many companies choose cloud computing for its convenience and scalability, organizations prioritizing airtight security, complete control, and privacy prefer leveraging on-premise solutions. On-prem deployment has many unique benefits businesses can capitalize on, such as in-house storage of data and software, lower network bandwidth cost, easier compliance, and more.

9 best on-premise chat solutions for secure business collaboration

Given the widespread use of instant messaging and chat apps for communication in 2023, organizations are prioritizing control over data exchanges on these platforms. MarketsandMarkets reports that the on-premises collaboration market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.7% during the forecast period, with an expected market size of USD 85.8 billion by 2026. What drives this growth? It is the increasing adoption of cloud-based and on-premises collaboration solutions by organizations!

6 Communication Plan Templates With Examples

Effective communication plans are critical to any business. You need to describe your specific business messages and who should say them across business situations. This can help ensure your staff and stakeholders take your desired action. The result is that you reach your communication goals. The thing is, certain business situations crop up more than once.

Automate Slack and Microsoft Teams Notifications using Python

Messaging apps are essential for internal collaboration and critical notifications such as reminders, alerts, and other time-sensitive updates. While integrating with the Slack and Microsoft APIs is fairly straightforward, implementing these tools as a part of a full-featured notification system that embeds with your app experience can be far more daunting.

New Courier Inbox: Add a full-featured notification center to your app in minutes

Email and SMS are becoming increasingly busy channels. Sometimes, there’s no better way to reach a user than by sending a message to a notification center right inside of your app. However, building an inbox experience like this, from scratch, was a significant engineering effort. Today, we are announcing a major update to Courier Inbox, a solution for developers to add an in-app notification center to their web application in a matter of minutes.