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16 Inspiring Customer Service Quotes To Swear By

When you’re a part of a customer-facing team, it is easy to feel bogged down by the sheer volume of customer queries or complaints you need to resolve. C-level executives who head customer experience and customer service functions feel similar heat too, when customer ratings drop. On such days, you might have needed that extra bit of motivation to really drive you… and that’s completely normal! A shot of espresso could work one day, a pizza can do the trick on another.

Why Startups Should Outsource App Development

From Shanghai and Beijing to Mumbai and Bangalore to London, Stockholm and Toronto, the startup ecosystem has seen dramatic growth around the world. From the findings of Rise of the Global Startup City, the world’s top 10 cities account for 61% of venture activity in the latest three-year period, which was just 56% a decade ago. Smartphones are the significant game-changer here, which opens the floodgates for startup enthusiasts by providing them the business platform at competitive pricing.

5 things that remote developers want Product Managers to know

Product managers: ever feel like there’s a disconnect between you and your remote developers? If you find that you’re struggling to work together effectively, it may be because your developers aren’t telling you what you really need to know about your shared and individual workflows. I chatted with some remote developers in the remote community to find out what the top barriers to successful collaboration are – and what product managers can do to overcome them.

Learn from the past and prepare for the future with monthly recurring revenue

For SaaS businesses, no metric matters more than monthly recurring revenue (MRR). That’s because they rely on recurring revenue to run their business. MRR is how they track whether that revenue is growing, plateauing, or declining. And following that trend, they can predict future sales revenue and adjust their budget as needed. Read on to learn how MRR is calculated and how SaaS companies can leverage it to create more accurate sales forecasts and better budgets for their business.

Are Offices Becoming Obsolete Due To The Perks Remote Work Offers?

As technology continues to evolve and establish a powerful influence over the market, many are questioning the productivity of office-based workplaces. According to a recent Future Workforce Study of Dell and Intel, technology advancements are shaping the workforce to be future-oriented. So, what does that mean? Each year, more employees are working remotely, or to simply put – from the comfort of their homes.

13 Free & Paid File Sharing Sites like Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive

Storage Almost Full! ‘To Ensure normal use, please delete files to free up internal storage space.’ I am sure you receive a ‘storage full’ warning once in a while unless your device is equipped with a cloud file-sharing system. Receiving these storage warnings can be frustrating, especially when you’ve important files that you cannot risk losing. That’s where File Sharing Sites come into the picture.

Ultimate Guide To Call Center BPO Software (2020 Features & Pricing)

Looking for the right BPO softwares for your call center business? With hundreds of business process outsourcing tools available, finding the best ones for your call center can be confusing. To help you out, we’ll cover the various types of call center tools and also highlight five essential BPO softwares you need in this article.

The Impact of Corporate Culture on Customer Support Operations

All companies strive towards having a strong corporate culture. People make a business what it is, so keeping them happy, motivated, and positive has an impact on operations that is difficult to measure and describe. A great culture fuels a level of growth and productivity that all businesses want to achieve. When it comes to customer support, a corporate culture can have a wide array of impacts. Here are some ways good and bad corporate cultures impact customer support operations.