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5 Ways Support Teams Can Show Customers They Care

Everyone in the business world has had an experience where it didn’t feel like they mattered to a vendor or business. It’s a difficult feeling knowing your voice isn’t being heard, or even worse ignored by someone you’re trusting to meet your business needs. However, these situations can be avoided with your own customers by hiring support team members who legitimately care about them AND know how to properly display this care in conversations.

The best lead scoring models have these 7 factors

A business can’t thrive without lead generation, however, the more leads you generate, the more selective you have to be in your pursuits. Sales rep don’t want to waste time chasing a large list of dead-end leads. That time could be spent nurturing more promising leads. Yet, when it comes to valuing leads, how do you separate the wheat from the chaff? Experience and gut instinct goes a long way, but they aren’t enough.

Correlation vs Causation: Definition, Examples, and why the difference matters

Distinguishing correlation from causation is one of the most frequent mistakes made in reasoning. These two words appear deceptively similar but identifying the difference between both can either make or break the process of creating a high-value product for your customers. Let’s dive right in as I review correlation vs causation psychology and describe the main differences between these two common terms.

9 dashboard design principles: see them in action with real examples

Dashboard design principles are all very well, but what do they look like in practice? This blog will walk you through nine golden rules, with a real-life dashboard example for each. By following these simple steps you can create a dashboard that's clear and effective. And you don't need to be a designer to make yours look great. Enjoy building!

Five Guidelines to Help You Frame Better Customer Service Objectives in 2020

With the new year setting in, you might have already identified new leaves to turn, and set your customer service objectives accordingly. Along with the goals that you have already framed, here are five questions that can help you reflect on your current support setup, ensure that you are on the right track, and fine-tune your objectives for the year.

Ultimate Guide To Outsourcing Software Development (2020)

Looking to outsource your software development operations? Over the last few decades, software development outsourcing has experienced tremendous growth. Around 64% of all companies now outsource their entire development process! But what is software development outsourcing and how do you do it? In this article, we’ll cover what it is, the benefits and drawbacks of doing it and give you some helpful tips to outsource your software activities seamlessly.

How a real estate broker uses OneDesk to capture design request tickets

For project management, there are tons of software options available, some of which are too heavy-weight for teams tackling smaller, well-defined projects. When picking the right software for your team, one of the biggest challenges is striking the right balance in terms of the benefits versus the time spent setting it up and managing the tool.

Microsoft Teams vs. Slack: Battle of the Collaboration Powerhouses

Image Source Before we go on to what features distinguish Teams from Slack and which collaboration hub you should use for your business’ internal/external communications, consider this: Microsoft is a Behemoth. Slack Technologies — Not so much. Though Microsoft Teams is the new kid on the block, things are already looking like David and Goliath between the two. Why? Because Microsoft Teams already has around 20 million daily active users whereas Slack has only 12 million.