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Augmentation vs. Managed Services: Which Model is Right for Your Business?

In today’s competitive business landscape, finding the right staffing model is crucial for companies aiming to optimize productivity, control costs, and gain a strategic edge. Staff augmentation and managed services are two popular outsourcing models, each offering distinct benefits and challenges. Choosing between these models depends on factors like the scope of the project, available resources, and the desired level of control.

Free daily timesheet template (Excel, PDF, Word)

A daily timesheet template is a data table that logs an employee’s every working hour on a daily basis. Using a timesheet template, firms can get insights into employees’ work patterns, attendance irregularities, and other relevant information. Also, the daily timesheet template can help generate accurate payroll documents, create client billings, and estimate the project budget. In this article, we’ll share a daily timesheet template for free download and discuss its pros and cons.

4 Best Practices To Impress Enterprise Customers As A Small Firm

A small business doesn't have the resources that a much larger company does. This means that they can't impress customers with the amount of money that they can splash around. Instead, a small firm has to figure out how they can put themselves ahead of the competition, and focusing on four items will help them do that.

How to Increase Customer Satisfaction for Your Small Company or Firm

When you’re running a business that depends on customers, having an excellent service or product is not enough for success. You need to do everything you can to increase customer satisfaction to the maximum level possible. Sure, huge companies can afford to invest in sprawling marketing campaigns and detailed research and development efforts to see what their customers want. But when you’re a smaller company, you need surefire options for making your consumers more satisfied.

Top 6 Employee Monitoring Software to Boost Productivity

Well, you know what it is to be the project manager or team leader, coping with the deadlines, meetings, tossing to and fro, and the list of growing to-dos. On top of it all, you must ensure the team remains on task and delivers as expected. No pressure, right? In today’s remote and hybrid work environment, trying to keep up with productivity is like trying to catch a cat. But do not worry – technology is there to save your day!

Rocket.Chat included in The Forrester Wave: Secure Communications Solutions, Q3 2024

Rocket.Chat is proud to be included in the Forrester Wave: Secure Communications Solutions, Q3 2024. The Forrester Wave: Secure Communications Solutions, Q3 2024 lists the providers that matter the most, showing how each measures up and helping security experts select the right one for their needs. ‍The full report is exclusively available to Forrester clients or for purchase on Forrester's website.

Read this if you're still managing your work in spreadsheets

Ever feel like you're trying to cut down a tree with a Swiss Army knife? Welcome to the world of managing modern work with spreadsheets. Sure, that trusty little spreadsheet has useful tools, but when it comes to the heavy lifting of modern collaborative work, you need something with actual horsepower.

Understanding Your Customer Experience Lifecycle

Imagine walking into your favorite coffee shop: The smell of coffee and the baristas’ smiles welcome you. You order your usual, a caramel latte, and the barista knows your name and asks about your vacation. This is what businesses aim to achieve by understanding the customer journey. From finding the coffee shop to enjoying your latte, your experience is made better at every step. This is what businesses aim for when they understand the customer journey.

What is program management? Examples, skills & best practices

Program management is the management of multiple related projects at the same time. A program is a set of interconnected projects overseen by a program manager whose main goal is to ensure that all work ties back into company-wide goals and objectives. Learn more about how program management works, what a program manager does, and the potential benefits of using program management in your own work.