Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


How to collaborate effectively in the age of remote work?

As the world adjusts to the new normal of remote work, collaboration has become more important than ever. From brainstorming to problem-solving, effective collaboration is the key to success. In this blog article, we’ll explore how you can collaborate effectively in the age of remote work and unlock your team’s potential.

The 21st Century Workplace: What Management Strategies are Working?

The 21st-century workplace is vastly different from what it was just a few decades ago. The workforce is more diverse, technology has advanced significantly, and the way we work has changed. As a result, traditional management strategies are no longer as effective as they once were. The topic of the 21st-century workplace is significant because it affects the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide.

January releases: Idea clustering, EU data residency & more

2023 is in full swing and we’re excited to build products and features to help teams innovate and create the next big thing. This month, we introduced new ways to cluster ideas by keywords, updated our EU data residency, and more. For a deeper understanding of our new features, here is our roundup of releases from January.

Creating Notifications in M-Files | The Smarter Way To Work

M-Files can be requested to send email notifications to end users about object-related actions. Users can create new notification rules via M-Files Desktop: Does your M-Files look different? - This video features the latest M-Files user interface (released in November 2022). Please note that the lessons in this video still apply. To access tutorial videos featuring the previous user interface, please click here. To upgrade to the new user interface, please consult your organization's M-Files Business admin to see about updating your M-Files application.

Setting Productivity Goals: Embracing the Theme of National Productivity Day 2023

Are you crushing your to-do list like a pro? This day is the perfect opportunity to give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back and celebrate your accomplishments. Every year, on 12th February, India observes National Productivity Day, which recognises the importance of being productive. Also, if you struggle with staying on top of things, today is a good time to reflect on the reasons why and make some changes.

How to Create a Diverse Content Plan That Fits Your Client's Needs

Your clients hire you for one reason and one reason only: to get the results they struggled to get themselves. Desired results vary widely. But with the ability to track detailed, granular KPIs these days, it’s very clear to see when an agency succeeds and when they fall short. And if you didn’t do your job, guess what? Your contract won’t be renewed and you’re out a client, forcing you to spend more time and money to acquire new clients.

Decode | Automate Push notifications with Flutter and Node.js with Mike Miller

- This workshop is designed for developers looking to learn how to automate push notifications in web and mobile applications in three steps: By the end of the workshop, attendees will have a solid understanding of sending and automation notifications from Node.js apps and be able to implement their newfound skills in their own applications.