Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


8 Ways You Can Meet Customer Expectations

If you wish to build a loyal customer base, you must be willing to go the extra mile to meet customer expectations every time you engage with a customer. That’s because customer loyalty is a by-product of high customer satisfaction. Many companies seem to think that their customer expectations will be met with whatever it is that they offer, but that’s rarely ever the case.

Top 10-Time Tracking Software to Align Employees for Productivity

Tracking productivity and aligning employees for the same is not an easy task, as it needs a lot of effort and maintenance. Many times companies lack consistency in their schedules, project delaying, rescheduled launches, pushed-back release dates, and many more complications that make them feel like nothing can help them get back on track.

Strategic Human Resource Management: What is it and how can it benefit your organization?

In today’s digital era, the role of HR has been at risk of being downgraded to a position different from those that come into core business goals. Furthermore, the challenges of handling operations with a constantly evolving workflow made the HR leaders emphasize on improving workplace productivity to assist businesses in staying ahead of their competitors. This gives birth to the concept of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM).

15 Essential Tips For Effective Sales Outreach

Do you want to make your sales outreach more effective? Many customers have shown different buying behaviors making it difficult for salespersons to acknowledge the best practices to get their responses. For this reason, salespeople have adopted the sales outreach method of getting buyers' attention, which is more focused on outreach and bulk email sending. Most salespersons fail due to their wrong understanding of the best sales outreach optimization method that can work best for them.

Managing your operations with Routing and Live Reporting

The Zendesk Community took a deeper dive into the new and advanced Routing and Live Agent Reporting capabilities. Joined by our panel of experts who shared an overview of the benefits of these new features while presenting a better understanding of how they intertwine with other Zendesk routing capabilities.

12 Best Collaboration Tools for Cross-Functional Teams

Effective cross-functional collaboration can be just the thing you need to propel your business to the heights of success. It helps in building harmony across the organization and also spurs innovation. So how do you ensure effective cross-functional collaboration between your teams? – By using collaboration tools In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best collaboration tools and also look at the various ways cross-functional collaboration can benefit your organization.

The 7 main styles of project management: Pros, cons, and tips

It’s tempting to think that only credentialed project managers with that dedicated job function need to worry about project management styles, but that isn’t the case. Planning and organizing are two of the four main functions of management, so people managers also need to know the right way to plan and manage projects, not just specialized project managers. With that in mind, let’s walk through an overview of the seven dominant project management methodologies.

TrackingTime for Marketing Agencies

Learn how to get the most out of TrackingTime if you work in a Marketing Agency 🚀 When it comes to profitability, efficiency, and productivity, time-tracking tools are game-changers at marketing agencies. They also enable you to make better decisions as a leader. Features like custom fields, project management, work schedules and pace can simplify your daily work⚡ It’s easy to get started with time tracking software, and you’re bound to realize the benefits almost immediately.