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10 Platforms for Communication Competence in a Hybrid Work Model

Hybrid work has become commonplace in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Teams who once had a fine-tuned rhythm for managing projects were suddenly forced to learn how to work together from miles apart. Although communication tools have made remote work much more efficient, it hasn’t been without its hiccups.

OKR examples: Company, sales, marketing, HR, and product OKRs

Looking for a treasure trove of OKR examples? We've assembled 20 road-tested OKRs that can inspire you as you implement an OKR framework within your business. Over several recent posts, we’ve covered the OKR framework in a detailed way. So in this post, we won’t spend much time at all talking about what OKRs are or why to use them.

What we launched in August 2022

This month, the team at Miro has been busy making improvements to the board experience. We’re really excited about auto-playing GIFs and building brand asset catalog capabilities for your digital asset management. We’re also delving further into connecting Miro with key tools like Smartsheet and Azure DevOps, to make working out of Miro even more intuitive. To see all the newest features that will help you work even better with Miro, here is our roundup of releases from August.

Welcome Efficiency, Productivity and Quality With Project Cycle Management

Project management is all about planning, executing, and delivering the best possible services to your clients. Any and every project is important when it comes to successful completion where the satisfaction of beneficiaries and stakeholders matters the most. Project cycle management is one such approach where the satisfaction of stakeholders is prioritized. It is also well-established that a project goes through a series of steps to reach the final stage.

How to Chat And Call on a Cruise Ship?

The title asks whether it can chat and call on a cruise ship. No cell towers on the ocean floor are large enough to handle cruise ships. You can use the maritime provider's network when cruising and chat on cruise ships or call on cruise ships while onboard. However, this is an expensive option that most cruisers choose to forgo. There was a time when humankind successfully coexisted without communication, namely without messages, calls, etc.