Imagine you just bought a brand new guitar and you’re ready to shred. Your amp is on and set high, your cords are all plugged in, you’re ready to jam. You strum an E major chord only to find that it plays an F minor – not good. You just want to noodle over Baba O’Reilly but now you have to call support, explain a whole spiel, and potentially deal with long wait times and some irritating back-and-forth until you can finally realize your inner Sister Rosetta Tharpe.
You delivered the product/services, everything was on time, and everyone worked hard, but something is amiss. Maybe the product’s quality is lacking, or the project itself wasn’t very high-quality. Often we are so focused on delivering the products/services on time that we forget a very essential aspect of the project. Project quality management. Quality precedes quantity; that has been the motto for years.
Digitalization accelerated over the past few decades and paved the way for the development of digital communication platforms. It comes as no surprise that businesses of all kinds require constant communication in all directions. The COVID Pandemic acted as a catalyst in two ways. One, it paced up the already accelerating global digitalization. Two, it made people realize that digital office work could replace, not just augment, the central-workplace design.
Collaboration platforms make team collaboration easy for modern workplaces, remote and otherwise. As they say, two heads are better than one! Different collaboration tools are curated to make different tasks easier and increase productivity. In addition to helping teams achieve common goals, they also help to track changes and updates. This article gives you an overview of collaboration platforms in several categories.
For an IT team, the ability to respond to problems efficiently is arguably one of the most important aspects of the department. Sluggish reactions to IT issues can slow down an entire business, leaving core functions of an office slowed down or even completely unable to be performed. As a result, business leaders have a significant interest in ITSM ticketing systems.
Today’s top companies are embracing a more flexible and productive way of working by uniting their teams and tools in one place.
If you have seen the movie Office Space (1999), you know all about pointless TPS reports, impossible-to-understand printer instructions, (“PC Load Letter”), and micromanaging superiors. Office Space was an office comedy, so the portrayals were a little extreme. But who can’t relate to the annoyances of working in an office, even if we work remotely?