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10 Best Customer Onboarding Strategies for SaaS Businesses

It shouldn’t come as a big surprise that a positive customer onboarding experience ensures that your customers feel like they made the right choice by picking your product or service from the first moment they start using it. It also, eventually, helps you retain them. But what does customer onboarding mean, and what are the must-have strategies to make the process hassle-free for your prospects and customers? Read on.

10 Outstanding Productivity Tracking Software for Agencies

Despite the concerns regarding productivity tracking in agencies, it is becoming increasingly popular. The number of organizations using time tracking software is rising. The appropriate technology can significantly enhance productivity, balance the budget, and automate and streamline operations. You also have to figure out which software to use. Employees working for agencies require flexibility and freedom of employment.

Subtasks Rollup Settings and the Subtask Tree View

Subtasks are a popular project management and helpdesk feature in OneDesk. Subtasks are great for breaking down complicated tasks into smaller ones. One stand-out aspect of subtasks in OneDesk is the fact that subtask are full-featured tasks. In many other project management applications, subtasks are ‘weak’ tasks with limited features. With OneDesk, subtasks have the same powerful functions of a regular task.

How To Choose A Project Management Tool In 7 Steps

Project management is a practice that has proven to be highly beneficial to the companies that apply them well. But not all companies are successful in implementing the right project management systems. One of the key challenges most institutions fail is figuring out how to choose a project management tool in the first place.

12 essential charts for project management

Projects keep growing more and more complex, and as they do, so do the responsibilities of the people who manage them. Project management charts are vital for first understanding project data yourself and then for communicating that data effectively to others. Charts also play a part in establishing the value of project management. Project management is a deeply important discipline, but it can sometimes be challenging to see that value visually.