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How to Identify & Control Unethical Behavior of Employees

Have you ever found out that some of your employees are being unethical in your organization? If yes, then what can be the reason behind the same? Nowadays, unethical behaviors of employees have become a reason of concern. As it can cause a lot of misconceptions and losses in the workplace.

Get Rid Of Micromanagement: Introduce Project Ownership to Save the Day

One of the most challenging management tasks for new and seasoned leaders is understanding how to appropriately delegate. Those struggling with delegation frequently appear as micromanagers, making their staff feel watched and distrusted. Most employees dislike being micromanaged. Thus it is in your best interest as a leader to stop this behavior before it has negative consequences such as low morale, lack of motivation, and staff turnover.

The unstoppable rise of remote outsourcing: How will 100% work-from-home change Philippines' BPO industry?

Since 2020, the outsourcing sector in the Philippines has witnessed a massive shake-up, and recent regulatory changes mean the industry will never be the same. We explore the winners and losers of a recent decision by the Philippines Government to allow outsourcing firms to keep tax perks while enabling 100% of staff to work-from-home (WFH).

How to center accessibility in the workplace

The modern workplace is constantly evolving, and it’s your responsibility as a business leader to make sure no one gets left behind. When most jobs went remote at the beginning of the pandemic, leaders scrambled to transition work, benefits, and support to the home office. But now, as many knowledge workers face a hybrid future, are you giving equal consideration to all employees regardless of where and how they work?

The Top 7 Benefits of Taking Maternity and Paternity Leave for Remote Talent

Did you know that new fathers are legally entitled to take paternity leave in some countries? In Sweden, for example, fathers are given a minimum of three months of paid paternity leave. And in Canada, maternity and paternity leave is available to both mothers and fathers. While the United States is behind other countries regarding parental leave policies, there are still many benefits to taking maternity and paternity leave. We will discuss the benefits of maternity and paternity leave in this article.

Productivity vs. Efficiency - How to Analyze and Boost Performance

Productivity vs. efficiency. Both are important metrics in any business. While often used interchangeably, there are key differences between the two, and neither is complete without the other. True productivity takes efficiency into account, and vice versa. This post explains productivity vs. efficiency and shows you how to combine them in analyzing business performance.

Everything You Need To Know About Creativity In Planning

Creativity is a crucial element in the planning process. Without it, your plans may lack originality, freshness, and appeal. However, with a bit of creativity, you can infuse your goals with new ideas and perspectives that will make them more exciting and engaging. Creatives are often cited as critical ingredients in succession planning. In this article, we’ll explore the role creativity plays in effective planning and offer some tips for how to tap into your creative potential.

How banks and financial institutions can improve customer retention and engagement

Financial Services is undergoing a major digital transformation. Technological advances are changing the very core of the business - making transactions and related processes automated. With automated and digitalized services, banks and other financial organizations are looking for effective ways to retain old and attract new customers. Research suggests that FinServ organizations will be able to differentiate themselves from others with the quality of customer service.