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Who Passed with Flying Colors? Highlights from the 2022 Airline Customer Service Benchmark Report

It’s time to talk travel. This fondly remembered hobby is now on the minds of many, after being pent up due to COVID-19 restrictions. Demand for flights is soaring – Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian reported that March 2022 had been the carrier’s best month for sales in its history, while the four major U.S. airlines (American Airlines, Delta, Southwest and United) are planning summer schedules that are 4% to 20% larger than one year ago.

3 ways to deepen trust and build relationships through personalisation

Between the physical realities of COVID-19 and rapidly evolving consumer expectations, the Financial Services market has been forced to rethink the customer experience. Many firms are rushing to get to 100-percent digital and personalise each interaction—the numbers make it easy to see why: With the transition to digital comes the need to deepen trust, especially as we continue to reduce human-to-human contact.

How Our Culture of High-Impact Openness at Mattermost Drives Results

As an open source organization, openness is part of our DNA here at Mattermost. But that openness is about more than just opening up our source code — it’s a core part of our culture and the way we do business. I’d like to share a bit more about why we’ve adopted this culture of high-impact openness and how we practice it every day across the various communication and collaboration channels that we use.

The unique reason Gen Z workers are made for this urgent moment

When you’re about as old as the iPhone, you’re going to have a unique relationship with technology. Generation Z has just that. They know that this intuitive understanding of the most powerful digital tools is an incredible force for good. Gen Z—the moniker for the group of people born between 1997 and the early 2010s—understands the creator economy innately, how to start businesses on a smartphone, and how to scale those early successes. And they are only getting started.

Knowledge Base Definition: Tips, Tricks, & Best Practices

You’ve heard it before: knowledge is power. For organizations, the collective knowledge of employees and stakeholders about a products, customers, and internal business processes is one of their most essential assets. But where is that knowledge stored, and how can it be accessed? Depending on the organization, that knowledge might be documented in a number of places and formats. As a business, it’s crucial that this knowledge is readily available for whoever needs it.

How To Tell An Employee They Need to Improve-7+ Tips for Success

Are you struggling to address poor performance with a direct report? Even if you have a great team with highly skilled employees, as a manager you will eventually be forced to have difficult conversations with employees who are performing poorly. The good news is that it’s possible to set performance expectations and address an employee’s behavior in a way that both you and the employee will benefit from.