What's new in Slack: Channel manager role, increased accessibility and more
New enhancements to your digital HQ make it easier than ever to work from anywhere.
New enhancements to your digital HQ make it easier than ever to work from anywhere.
As the pandemic unfolded, healthcare services locally and internationally performed monumental efforts to persist and remain relevant. Hospitals and medical services across Australia started shifting their healthcare systems using the latest technology to continue moving forward in a challenging economic climate.
Nowadays, getting ahead in your job and career often requires having the proper certifications. This is especially true for project managers, who must ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the required standards. While becoming a project manager does require some natural ability and experience, having the proper project manager certifications can make a big difference in your career.
On July 18, 2022, Slack announced that starting September 1, search history for organizations on Slack’s Free plan will be limited to just the past 90 days of message history. At first blush, this might look like a minor policy tweak. But it is in fact a dramatic change that makes Slack’s free plan untenable for many organizations, including ones that have been happily using Slack’s free plan for years.
Emails have been a staple in our lives since the late ‘90s. Today, the average person receives more than 100 emails per day — and that’s not counting the spam. Our inboxes fill up every night with sales events, new streaming series, and disavowed princes who need our help depositing a large sum of money somewhere safe. With all that clutter, your company’s newsletter has a lot of competition, but not to worry.
Confession: I’m a white-knuckle flyer. Even though I travel a lot, every clang, rattle, and clink on an airplane can send me into a tailspin (pun intended). To stay as calm and collected as possible, I look for reassurance. And I always find it—in the flight attendants.
Rome wasn’t built in a day – and it didn’t fall in one either. Come the 4th and 5th centuries, the leaders neglected the needs of their various peoples, and oftentimes, as in the case of Majorian, they seemed outright surprised at the unpopularity of some measures. Could Majorian have used a 360-degree view of his Roman subjects (read: customers)?