Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


12+ Slack Games And Apps For Remote Teams (2020)

Trying to find ways to inject some fun into your remote team’s work days? With COVID forcing employees to adopt remote working, communicating with teams via apps like Slack and Zoom has been on the rise. But staring into a computer screen all day without any work colleagues around can take a toll on an employee! So, what can you do to help your team have a bit of fun? How about trying out some Slack games?

Part 2: The Strategic Role of B2B Customer Support

In Part 1 of this blog series, we introduced the concept of how to position the investment in customer support as a strategic value aligned to current business practices and target outcomes—based on the whitepaper co-produced by ServiceXRG and TeamSupport. Now in Part 2, we’ll talk about the evolving role of B2B customer support.

Why Distrito moved from Slack to Rocket.Chat (and any startup community should do the same)

Supporting 250 startups from Brazil, Distrito is an innovation platform that helps startups to succeed and support the digital transformation of Enterprises. Their mission is to uplift startups through a Strong Innovation Ecosystem focused on Community, Leap, Venture, and Data Mining. In order to bond their ever-growing startup community and manage their team of 140 people, implementing a comprehensive communication tool was not only a necessity but also inevitable.

New: Visualize and report on project data with Dashboards

We know from research that the average knowledge worker spends 60% of their day on “work about work” like searching for information, communicating project updates, and chasing down deliverables. It’s grinding, arduous work that’s been made even harder by the challenges of remote working, but it’s also a must-do for team leads who need to stay on top of project progress and status updates. Or is it?

StartingPoint - Service Management Module - September 2020

StartingPoint is a service management and delivery platform for companies and teams. StartingPoint can be deployed within one hour, requires no coding, requires no IT resources, and allows your company to replace any helpdesk, file storage, project management, and team management software. StartingPoint is all of those items in one.

StartingPoint - Project Management Module - September 2020

StartingPoint is a fully-customizable service management and delivery platform for companies and teams. StartingPoint can be deployed within one hour, requires no coding, requires no IT resources, and allows your company to replace any helpdesk, file storage, project management, and team management software. StartingPoint is all of those items in one.

StartingPoint Team Performance Management September 2020

StartingPoint is a service management and delivery platform for companies and teams. StartingPoint can be deployed within one hour, requires no coding, requires no IT resources, and allows your company to replace any helpdesk, file storage, project management, and team management software. StartingPoint is all of those items in one.

StartingPoint - Administrative Panel - September 2020

StartingPoint is a service management and delivery platform for companies and teams. StartingPoint can be deployed within one hour, requires no coding, requires no IT resources, and allows your company to replace any helpdesk, file storage, project management, and team management software. StartingPoint is all of those items in one.

Productivity vs Efficiency Explained (Plus Tools to Help with Both)

Confused about the differences between productivity vs efficiency? Productivity and efficiency are both crucial metrics when it comes to assessing the performance of your business. In fact, they’re so extensively used that most people use them interchangeably! However, even though they’re closely related, they’re not the same thing.