Find out how your business can leverage the new Productivity Trends Dashboard to better manage your workforce.
Looking for a comprehensive Hubstaff vs Harvest comparison? If we were in the 1920s, a manager or supervisor would perform employee monitoring. But almost all employees work on computers now. And while managers are still essential, they can’t possibly monitor all employees’ computer activities — especially regarding remote work. So how do you ensure that your employees are actually working and not wasting time on social media? Using time tracking software is the answer.
Content marketing is a powerful force for generating leads and growing revenue, so it’s no wonder that 97% of businesses with established marketing efforts are also engaged in content marketing. Still, it’s one thing to do content marketing. It’s another to truly succeed with it. Many creative agencies are already engaged in content marketing, but their efforts aren’t as organized as they might like.
Whether you’re a project manager leading a team or a freelancer working with a few clients, you will likely have tons of daily tasks, and keeping track of them is not easy, especially without using any daily checklist apps. That’s why the daily checklist apps exist. They help you keep up with your professional responsibilities. Powerful tools with many useful adds-on, these digital to-do list apps are super effective in time management.
It’s hard to make the best use of your time without knowing where your time is spent. That’s where automatic time tracking comes in. Time tracking is used to measure where time is spent and over time, organizations can learn how to use their time and ultimately get better results.
No-meeting days could drastically affect team productivity for the better - use this guide to learn how to implement them.