Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a special set of metrics that help determine whether business is going in the right or wrong direction. At first glance, it seems that customer service KPI scores take a backseat to traditional business KPIs, like profits, costs and regional sales. However, key customer support metrics may paint a more complete picture of success for the long-term viability of a business.
Project managers employ various charts and graphs to display the project’s state and progress, making it easier for the stakeholders to comprehend. However, a Burn-up chart can be significantly more beneficial then others, especially when it comes to managing projects They can help enable the project’s stakeholders to analyze its advancement and see the timeline, issues, and budget.
With so many project management or task management options on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is best for your needs. That’s where these 12 free Gantt chart software come in! Gantt charts are highly becoming a necessity for most teams. Each one offers a different set of Gantt features and benefits, so you can find the perfect tool for your specific project management needs.
Are you tired of always feeling like you’re behind in your work? If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel like they can’t survive unless they have a strict daily routine that they stick to, no matter what. But how can you stick to a routine when you’re juggling work, family, and other obligations? By using a weekly planner app, of course! These seven apps make it easy to keep track of your commitments, and can help you stay on top of your game week after week.