What makes a great leader? When Chris Hadfield was commanding the International Space Station, he learned that it’s not about seeking out individual greatness to make yourself look good. Instead, he found that excellent leadership is about building up the people around you: trusting them, empowering them, and ultimately, enabling them to contribute their expertise so that the team can become more than the sum of its parts.
When we “wear a lot of hats” at work, that means we have multiple jobs to do, depending on what’s needed at the moment. In today’s modern workplace, many of us ‘wear a lot of hats’ with pride, showing off our versatility and talent, solving a myriad of challenges, and making it look effortless. But it isn’t really effortless, is it? Quite often, multiple hat-wearers are stretched pretty thin. One often-misunderstood department is internal communications (IC).
Productivity vs. efficiency. Both are important metrics in any business. While often used interchangeably, there are key differences between the two, and neither is complete without the other. True productivity takes efficiency into account, and vice versa. This post explains productivity vs. efficiency and shows you how to combine them in analyzing business performance.
In this post, we will look at what are the main differences between the Inherent risk and Residual risks. Both of them have their own implications, so let’s take look first at what is risk management.
Creativity is a crucial element in the planning process. Without it, your plans may lack originality, freshness, and appeal. However, with a bit of creativity, you can infuse your goals with new ideas and perspectives that will make them more exciting and engaging. Creatives are often cited as critical ingredients in succession planning. In this article, we’ll explore the role creativity plays in effective planning and offer some tips for how to tap into your creative potential.
Financial Services is undergoing a major digital transformation. Technological advances are changing the very core of the business - making transactions and related processes automated. With automated and digitalized services, banks and other financial organizations are looking for effective ways to retain old and attract new customers. Research suggests that FinServ organizations will be able to differentiate themselves from others with the quality of customer service.
According to Gartner, a staggering “91% of HR Leaders are concerned about employee turnover in the immediate future.” With recent changes to the labor market — we’re looking at you Covid-19 and The Great Resignation — this statistic isn’t surprising. What’s more surprising is that employee retention isn’t as tough to improve as you might think.