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Measuring the ROI of employee engagement in 5 steps

Subscribers to our blog and podcast series know that Simpplr strives to share tips, tricks and best practices for connecting workforces all across the globe. And subscribers also recognize that this connection significantly impacts ROI. But, how does one prove this to be true? Well, we’re coming in hot with our latest helpful offering – How to Get the HR Resources You Need, By Showing Leadership the ROI They Want—In 5 Steps.

How Decoupling Notifications from Your Application's Code Empowers Product Managers

As a product manager, have you ever had to say no to improving your app’s notifications because of how complex the project seemed? If yes, you’re not alone. At Courier, we frequently see product teams deciding not to work on notifications. And PMs aren’t making that decision because a good notification experience is not important for their SaaS product or service — quite the opposite.

How to Conduct Performance Reviews with Remote Employees: Tips and Strategies

More and more businesses are using remote employees to save money on office space and related costs. They are also doing this to take advantage of a larger talent pool. But while managing a remote team can be a great way to boost productivity, it also comes with challenges. The most important thing when you have a remote team is to review their work regularly. This blog post will discuss tips for conducting effective performance reviews with your remote employees.

Time Blocking 101: A Perfect Approach to get the most out of your Daily Schedule

– Cal Newport, Deep Work author As we all know, there are multiple ways to manage your time: some people prefer scheduling everything in advance, while others like keeping things open-ended and flexible. But one thing that’s true no matter which approach you take is that it’s essential to have some kind of structure in place so that you don’t waste time or feel overwhelmed by all the things on your plate at once.

3 No-Bull$%&t Tips to Help Product Managers Improve Their Persuasion Skills

One reason product management is such a difficult profession is that you are responsible for the success of your products, but you don’t have authority over most of the people whose help you need to bring about that success. So it all comes down to your persuasion skills. To illustrate some of the challenges Product Managers face in persuading coworkers and decision-makers, try this hypothetical.

SaaS Marketing: A Comprehensive List of Effective Strategies

Undoubtedly, there is exponential growth in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry. This prolific growth has been accelerated by the global pandemic in the last two years. According to a Gartner report, the SaaS industry has grown its revenue from $120.69 billion to $171.92 billion in just two years. This translates to a 40% growth recorded between 2020 and 2022.