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Your Complete Guide to Employee Data Management

There is a lot of employee data to keep track of in a company, from medical records to working hours and bank details. The data stretches all through an employee’s life cycle in a company. This data benefits any company looking for better project management and employee performance management. However, managing the data is not easy unless you adopt good employee data management practices. Employee data management is the process of collecting, storing, and safeguarding employee data.

10 Helpful Tips to Grow a Productive Workflow for Your Team

Productivity is vital in any workplace - it drives a company or organization towards success. A productive workflow can be achieved by following simple tips that help create an efficient working environment and team. Great things can happen when everyone is on the same page and working together efficiently. But what happens when your team's workflow starts to drag? Here are ten tips to help you get your team back on track and boost productivity.

Creating an equitable workplace culture with Suman Gopalan, Chief HR Officer at Freshworks

The situation is tense in many companies these days, particularly in tech. The Great Resignation; budget and workforce cutback, and the overall financial crises that many are facing have combined to create the perfect storm for HR. The burden is real––and heavy. And it’s time to offer some relief with equitable solutions.

8 Best Workplace Management Tools of 2022

To be super successful, your organization must be efficient, agile, and productive as well as put an emphasis over managing the internal processes that involve your most essential asset – your employees. High performing employees empower the organization to find their true potential and maximize the profitability. With the rapid and modern digital transformation of the workforce, it is becoming highly difficult for HR teams to manage all the employees effectively.

50 shades of product-led growth

With the phrase “product-led growth” popping up so often in business conversations these days, you’d think we would all have a shared understanding of what the concept means. But I’ve heard and read the product-led approach described differently many times. That’s unfortunate, and here’s why. I’m seeing a lot of product teams get overwhelmed and lost in the details of the product-led growth (PLG) approach.

The Sub-prime Crisis of Notifications

Or, how we’re destroying users’ trust, and how to get it back. Check out the first post in this series as well: Building a Great UX Outside of Your App. There is a direct connection between all the unnecessary notifications you get on your phone and the sub-prime financial crisis of 2008. The connection is human behavior in a large and anonymous marketplace where bad behavior is rarely punished.

Difference Between Risk and Issue in Project Management

Project management encompasses a wide range of activities, in which everyone involved in the task strives to achieve a common goal. Risk management is one of those activities, and it refers to the identification, assessment, and response to any events that could adversely affect the project. On the other side, there are issues – problems that have already arisen and are inhibiting successful project completion.

How to Increase Business Productivity with Partner Onboarding Software

Getting businesses to sign up for your partner program is a major achievement. But that won’t have a positive impact on your own business until they become productive partners. Learn how to achieve this using the simplest method possible – partner onboarding software.

An unrecognisable improvement: Element's new design is here!

Coming soon to a mobile device near you, the redesigned layout brings big changes to your Element app. With a focus on improving our users' workflows, we’ve ensured the app is cleaner, easier to browse, and faster to navigate, while keeping all the Element goodness! Over the last few weeks and months our mobile teams have been working hard researching, designing and building a new home page for both iOS and Android Element apps.