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How to establish your customer goodwill IQ

Doing business with a company that misses the mark on providing a high-quality customer service experience goes a step further than leaving a bad impression; it can keep the customer from ever giving your business a second chance. According to recent research, roughly 73 percent of customers will stop patronizing a company after only three (or fewer) bad customer service experiences. What’s worse is that companies are losing revenue without a chance to find out why.

The Ultimate Guide for Remote Employee Onboarding in 2021

There’s a night and day difference between onboarding a remote employee and onboarding an in-person employee. Since in-person new hires establish rapport with staff and coworkers face-to-face, the learning curve is shorter. When they have questions about paperwork or policies, they simply walk over and ask a coworker or manager. But remote new hires have to deal with time zone differences, communication barriers, and feeling disconnected from company culture.

Three Gantt Chart Examples in Project Management

The Gantt chart is one of the most enduring project management tools in history, owing mainly to its versatility, ease of use, and wide scope of application. In fact, a recent survey reported that for 45% of project team members, it is their most used software feature, while for 22% of respondents in a similar survey, it is the most desired project management tool.

13 Crucial Time Management Statistics for Business Owners in 2021

According to Miles Davis, “Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.” And I cannot agree more. This statement holds true for everyone, but it holds the utmost importance for business owners. With a finite number of hours available every day, proper management of time is what differentiates successful business owners from others.

Simpplr Research: State of Internal Communications 2021

Every year, Simpplr Research conducts a study on the current state of internal communications. The State of Internal Communications 2020 (pre-COVID-19) report is Simpplr Research’s most downloaded report and provides useful benchmarking data for internal communications professionals. Insights from this report should still be relevant for most programs.

The Future of the Digital Workplace In a Post-Covid World

What hasn’t been said about COVID-19 and the changes it has forced organizations to make in light of this extended remote work period? The transition to a fully remote office workforce caused organizations to take a look at their digital tech toolkit and re-evaluate processes to help meet the immediate need.

Why You Need Milestones in Project Management

“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.” – Nelson Mandela Just as the original term ‘milestone’ denotes a marker indicating distance traveled, so milestones in project represent a task or activity completed so far. But they are actually far more useful and versatile than that. In this post, we define project milestones, and explore why they’re an essential part of the project management process.

Is Work-Life Integration The New Work-Life Balance?

The idea of “Work-Life Integration” is trending. You may have seen leaders discussing it on LinkedIn or read think pieces about it in major business news publications. The concept assumes that the binary pursuit of work-life balance has become outdated and inefficient in an increasingly connected world. But what is work-life integration anyway? And do the benefits really outweigh the drawbacks?

Top 6 Customer Service Training Software for 2021

If you are not sure that your team is able to give an unbeatable experience to your customers, then you probably need to think about high-quality training for your customer service team. The six customer service training software we will be discussing in this post could be a great place to begin. Although advances in chatbots and live chat technology have greatly helped companies improve their customer service game, there is still a need for more!