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Streamline Your Operations with Scoro's Native Xero Integration

As small agencies, consultancies and other professional service organizations grow, accounting software is often one of the first bits of technology that they implement, and Xero is by far one of the most popular solutions. Having a reliable and automated way to manage your finances is a vital step on the road to success, but what about all the other parts of your business?

Asynchronous Work Report: What knowledge workers want and what's working

When you give something a name, you make it real in a new way. Knowledge workers are seeing this firsthand with asynchronous work (or “async”), which is when team members work on the same project or problem but at different times instead of synchronously. Suddenly, the term is everywhere — but asynchronous work is more than a buzzword. Not just a by-product of the shift to remote or hybrid, it’s about strategically making new ways of working work.

April 2023 Version Update: Smoother Time Tracking and Jira Integration

Ever wondered where your time goes? Scoro’s excellent time tracking capabilities help you solve that mystery! This month we are tweaking the quick access to our Time Tracker so you could incorporate it into your workflows even more seamlessly. Prefer to track your time in Jira? No problem, our brand new Jira integration has got you covered!

Top 15 Help Desk Metrics to Measure IT Support Performance

Just as having help desk software is essential, so is measuring team performance. And the way to do that is through service desk KPIs. But which help desk metrics should you focus on for your team when there are so many to consider? The answer isn't always clear or straightforward.

WorkflowMax is Retiring. Time to Upgrade to Scoro

The news that Xero will be retiring their work-management software product WorkflowMax has caused some panic amongst its users. Many customers feel that the writing was on the wall over the last few months, as the software was no longer releasing new features or updates, but the natural human tendency is always to hope for the best. But now that the date at which WorkflowMax will no longer be available has been confirmed as 26 June 2024, it’s time for customers to start looking for a new solution.

7 best open-source chat APIs for businesses

A reliable communication platform is imperative for businesses to communicate with customers and colleagues. Chat applications are becoming popular as they make collaboration easier and faster. Open-source chat APIs are a great way to integrate chat abilities into an existing application or deploy them stand-alone for live stream chat. In this blog, we have curated the best open-source chat API solutions for instant messaging and the benefits you can leverage from each.

New Datadog integration for Courier notification logs and metrics

The ability to unify all notification metrics and logs across channels and providers into an easy-to-use dashboard is a core advantage of Courier’s notification infrastructure. However, with product notifications so critical to the entire application experience, it’s important to connect that data back to central cloud observability platforms that look across the entire stack.

Best On-Premise B2B Applications for Enterprise-Level Companies

In this digital era, undoubtedly, it is safe and secure to employ self-hosted or on-premise B2B applications instead of depending on SaaS applications. Since the former gives complete security to your data without relying on a third party, whereas the latter may be secure but less effective and efficient than on-premise applications. You may think that most businesses depend heavily on SaaS applications.

Intelligent Workflow Automation Helps Company Productivity

If you can harness the power of intelligent workflow automation, it has the potential to transform your operations and enable you to deliver on customer expectations. StartingPoint can provide your team with the necessary tools to embrace intelligent workflow automation. Before breaking down this platform, let’s take a step back and define what intelligent workflow automation is.