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Best Apps for Team Collaboration

Collaboration is essential to business success in the 21st century. However, there are very few good tools on the market that can help you manage team collaboration. With the rise of remote teams and freelance workers, business collaboration apps have become a necessity. Creating new ways for people to get their work done regardless of location is a profitable and worthwhile venture.

Virtual Teams And Flexible Work Hours: Boon Or Bane?

Virtual teams and flexible work hours have been the saving grace in the face of covid-19 and its impact on how we function as a society. Richard Branson’s quote from 2013 comes to mind where he quipped that the office would become a thing of the past. Well, it surely has, at least for the time being. The IT and Ecommerce industries have the luxury of possessing the required tools to embrace a digital working environment.

How to Thrive as a Remote Business?

During the pandemic many of us have become familiar with the concept of home working, but it’s few of us that work in roles that are designed to be remote. Businesses have had to adapt to this new reality where digital tools have replaced the meeting room, and while some still hold on to the idea of the traditional office space, others are leaving it all behind – especially new companies. This model of working has many perks.

2021: It's been a busy year for Element!

Things never feel like they’re moving fast enough when you’re looking from the inside. But from time to time it’s worth stepping back and looking at the progress - and the end of year is perfect for that. So sit back by the fire, have a cup of mulled wine or hot chocolate (don’t forget the marshmallows!) and let’s dive in!

Use the Events API to create a dynamic App Home | Tasks App | Slack Platform

Make home feel welcoming by customizing the content for each user with help of the Slack Events API Follow along as Slack Developer Advocate Sandra Illi Villarreal shows you how we customize the App Home in Tasks App to give users their own place to view tasks.

Why Zulip will stand the test of time

Quill, a team chat company with $16 million in venture capital funding, was acquired by Twitter and shut down their product last week. Users were given a mere four days to export their data prior to deletion; direct messages and private channels could not be exported at all. Our sympathies go out to Quill users, whose needs were given so little consideration in this deal.

The Developer's Guide to Building Notification Systems: Observability and Analytics

At your CTO’s request, you recently started researching how to go about revamping or building your product’s notification system. You realized the complexity of this project around the same time as you discovered that there’s not a lot of information online on how to do it. Companies like LinkedIn, Uber, and Slack have large teams working just on notifications, but smaller companies like yours don’t have that luxury.

Introducing "Unblocking Workflows: The Guide to Developer Productivity in 2022"

As we head into a new year, software organizations are making plans, setting team goals, and revisiting their roadmaps for 2022. But for many teams, the tools, processes, and practices they rely on to collaborate continually fall short — and in some cases, are blocking them from shipping high quality code as quickly as they need to.