Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Meesho solves customer issues in hours, not days with Slack

Since April 2021, Slack has had a positive impact on every team at Meesho, empowering them to integrate both new and existing tools and to connect through Slack. Even while they work from home, teams can build the best possible experience for their sellers, from collaborating on feedback-driven products to solving incidents more quickly. “With Slack, everything happens in one channel, and what used to take a couple of days is now resolved in a matter of hours.”

Workplace communication: what happens when you get it right

Workplace communication isn’t something that companies master by default. In fact, it’s much easier to get it wrong than getting it right. Luckily, organizations realize in more significant numbers than ever that their workplace communication can cause larger issues. These could be built up stress, losses in productivity, and a lack of trust among coworkers.

15 Surprising Employee Productivity Statistics That Will Impress You

Employee productivity, according to, is “an evaluation of an employee’s or group of employees’ efficiencies.” Employee productivity, in short, assesses how much useful work an employee performs for an organization over a given time. If a company wants to prosper, it needs people that are highly productive. We’ll give you 13 intriguing and useful employee productivity stats that are applicable today.

IN THE DARK: How To Prepare Your Customer Service For The Next Facebook & WhatsApp Outage

On October 5th, the world went silent for 6 hours. 🤐 The world’s top 3 social media and communications platforms were shut down completely. Suddenly, we couldn’t reach ANYONE! WE WERE CUT OFF FROM THE WORLD. What did this mean for customer support teams? Since the main reasons why customers contact businesses on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are sales and customer service, it is inevitable that organizations across the world lost money during the outage.

Amazing Black Friday and Cyber Monday SaaS Deals

I recall seeing on the news people in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries rushing into supermarkets and grabbing electronic products and other items; for a brief moment, I mistook them for vandals robbing the market, but later I was shocked to learn on the news that it was Black Friday, and the announced discounts had caused people to rush for the deals.

5 benefits of optimized business communication

Communication, communication, communication: so much of our lives revolve around it. It’s no different in the business world. Organizations need to effectively communicate with their customers and partners to excel at what they do. But first, business communication within the company needs to be efficient to increase employees’ productivity and engagement. With hybrid work models being implemented across the board, the way we communicate at work has also changed.

6 steps to effective collaboration in the workplace

Effective collaboration in the workplace is something that all employers strive for. Not only is it a great way to make employees feel more connected to their organizations, but it is also a powerful tool to increase the overall quality of end-products and services. However, many organizations still haven’t unlocked the full power of team collaboration. And this is no wonder since effective collaboration calls for thoughtful leadership, good communication, and other important factors.