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Microsoft Teams Vs Slack : Extended With Quick Infographic

In the year 2016, Bill Gates was against the decision of purchasing its competitor Slack, instead, he wants the organization to improvise Skype for Business. The initial release of Microsoft Teams to public happened in the year 2017, and very recently the stable release of the product happened this year in the month of February. As we understand most of the corporate work routines run on Office 365 suite, the Microsoft Teams is one of the essential parts of it. Android security update

After the security incident at, we have decided to publish a new Android app on the Google Play Store out of an abundance of caution. The fresh app is still called but internally it has a different application identifier ( Because of this new id, the new app appears in Google Play as a completely different application. This also prevents an automatic update from the old to the new application.

Simple measures - big results

Nearly every single company uses email as the main platform for communication. The problem? Emails are among the easiest platforms to hack, intercept and carry company-debilitating viruses. Unfortunately for businesses, emails and free app communications will pose a permanent risk to companies who wish to maintain uninterrupted regular day-to-day operations.