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60 Kick-Ass Team Communication, Collaboration, and Productivity Quotes for the Goal-Oriented Entrepreneurs!

Business communication quotes. Productivity quotes. Quotes on team collaboration. Do you read these phrases and yawn? Well, that won’t happen in this article. Instead of being a bore with all the ‘famous’ communication quotes, we plan to inspire you with the words of wisdom shared by the best of the entrepreneurs, world leaders, and experts who excelled in their fields.

Mattermost joins Red Hat, GitHub and Google in the CVE Program to maintain an international, open data registry of security vulnerabilities

Mattermost is joining Red Hat, Google, and GitHub and over 130 other leading technology organizations authorized to be a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Numbering Authority (CNA) by the CVE Program. The world’s most privacy-conscious enterprises and governments rely on Mattermost’s self-hosted, open source collaboration platform to keep their most vital communications safe and sovereign.

Why Distrito moved from Slack to Rocket.Chat (and any startup community should do the same)

Supporting 250 startups from Brazil, Distrito is an innovation platform that helps startups to succeed and support the digital transformation of Enterprises. Their mission is to uplift startups through a Strong Innovation Ecosystem focused on Community, Leap, Venture, and Data Mining. In order to bond their ever-growing startup community and manage their team of 140 people, implementing a comprehensive communication tool was not only a necessity but also inevitable.

High-trust collaboration: Real-world lessons from implementing Mattermost at scale

Managing the flow of information within an organization can be a daunting task even for small teams. But for large corporations, creating a communication and collaboration workflow to meet the needs of thousands of users—while meeting their standards for security and compliance—can be a huge challenge. So what does it take to maintain secure communication for tens of thousands of users?

Courier Live: Controlling IoT using the Webhook Provider

Aydrian and Riley use the Courier Webhook provider to connect to a BlinkStick Square when a notification is sent. They walk through setting up a Courier route and websocket event. Click "Show More" to jump to key moments in the video. Riley Napier, Sr. Software Engineer Courier: The smartest way to design & deliver notifications. Design once, deliver to any channel with one API.

What's What at Zendesk: Stay connected in real-time with social messaging

Social messaging has skyrocketed in popularity for customers getting in touch with customer service. It can be hard for companies to think about how to spin up and manage new channels. Our new improvements make it easy to pull the social messaging options customers want into a unified conversation across channels, including chat, email, and phone support. Join Claire Peracchio to dive deeper into Agent Workspace: Social Messaging to see this update in action.