If your organization’s employee breakdown matches the U.S. population, you should have something close to an even split between four generations: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. Effective internal communication plays a crucial role in fostering understanding and building strong relationships across these generations—and we’re going to share how that looks!
Building software that delivers value to customers comes naturally to us at Freshworks. Sometimes, it also comes “artificially”—such as through innovations in artificial intelligence, including generative AI. Businesses around the world are already realizing the transformative potential of generative AI through automation and productivity-enhancing tools.
Agile project management is all the rage right now, and for a good reason! With such a success rate, it’s no surprise that more & more organizations are turning to Agile project management to improve efficiency and team collaboration. Here are the statistics showing why Agile project management is the way to go: These figures show that organizations from different industries significantly benefit from Agile project management.
In an ever-evolving digital workplace, BYOD policies are becoming increasingly prevalent. Navigate the pros and cons of this strategy and discover how Insightful's software to monitor remote employees can ensure productivity, safeguard data, and respect employee privacy in a BYOD context.