Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


The Power of Perseverance: How to Overcome "Quiet-Quitting"

“Quiet-Quitting” refers to limiting one’s efforts for one’s job by limiting oneself to work specified in job descriptions. When someone uses the phrase "Quiet-Quitting," they can be leaving their job at an organization. However, nobody is actually leaving their positions. Quietly leaving a job is a protest against the "hustle culture," the very culture that exalts long hours and goes above and beyond the call of duty. ‍

How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Calculating your customer lifetime value (CLV) can seem daunting. With so many different formulas and conflicting explanations, you might be unsure where to start or even confused about what exactly it measures. But don’t worry because we’re here to explain the ins and outs of this important metric. After all, measuring your CLV can help guide marketing spend, uncover marketing impact, and identify your most valuable customers.

How to cold call - 5 effective cold calling tips that work

Cold calling can be an effective way to reach your sales goals. In this video, we show you the basics of how to cold call and provide our top five tips and strategies to improve your cold calling techniques. About Zendesk: Zendesk Sell is CRM software built to improve customer relationships and increase sales.

Project Management for Non-Project Managers: Tips, Tricks, and Tools

If you're currently in any management position rather than project manager (PM), you might be tempted to think that you have nothing to do with it, that it's someone else's problem. However, PM skills are more necessary than you might think. But don't worry about having to read lots of books to acquire them; we're about to hand out a guide on project management for non-project managers! Solid management can help you meet your project goals and stay efficient and organized.

3 smart call center optimization strategies (+ helpful tools)

Looking for a detailed guide to call center optimization? Call centers are an inseparable part of a customer-centric business. They greatly assist an organization in improving customer interaction, resolving issues, and enhancing brand value. The customer service industry has grown by leaps and bounds, and most call centers now use advanced technology to enhance their performance. To stay in the race, your organization needs to focus on improving the quality of the call center.

Know it all with a chatbot for customer service

Chatbots are a great way for companies to keep up with growing customer expectations. As AI-powered solutions get more sophisticated, customers are more open to chatting with a bot. Indeed, Zendesk’s CX Trends 2022 Report found that 69 per cent of customers are willing to interact with a bot on simple issues. And with good reason. Bots are fast and responsive. Plus, it’s a lot easier to be there for your customers with a chatbot on your team.

Why product knowledge is essential in customer service

Excellent customer service depends on knowing what you’re selling like the back of your hand. Business Wire revealed that consumers rank “knowledge about the product or service” as one of the top qualities of customer service agents. Customers expect support agents to know everything there is to know about a company’s products and services. Simply reading out specs from a product information sheet won’t cut it.

Utility companies need secure, mission critical communications

In our increasingly volatile world, organisations are having to assess how well they can respond to a crisis. When considering their ability to communicate in a crisis, many companies running mission critical services are turning to Element. Critical national infrastructure is a high value target for all types of physical and cyber attacks, with both profit-minded criminals and rogue nations seeking to benefit by causing major - potentially life threatening - disruption.

The comprehensive guide to call center reporting & analytics

Call center reporting converts raw data into insightful reports. Based on the type of report, you can understand agent performance, evaluate key team performance metrics, and make informed decisions to enhance your customer support. Moreover, identifying and resolving issues granuarly can help you build strategies to achieve excellent customer engagement. This article will cover what call center reporting is, its benefits, and the top eight call center reports.