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Ready, set, goals: What's New in Asana, July 2022

Great things happen when teams see the value of their work. But often, strategic initiatives are disconnected from day-to-day projects, leaving employees uncertain about their top priorities. According to the 2022 Anatomy of Work Index, nearly 1 in 3 employees can’t see a clear link between their day-to-day efforts and their company’s goals. To fulfill an organization’s mission and be effective, teams must have clarity about their goals and what’s needed to achieve them.

How to Write a Strategic Plan and What it Should Include

As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Whether you’re a lumberjack or not, there’s a powerful truth to Lincoln’s wise words. And that’s the importance of planning. Coming up with a solid strategic plan is a crucial aspect of any business. How can you expect to achieve your objectives if you don’t know what you’re aiming for?

Which is a Better Option: TeamSpeak vs Discord?

Are you having trouble deciding between TeamSpeak vs Discord as the best platform? Then this blog is for you since it will help you make an informed selection. The development of games, from the release of the first arcade game in 1972 to the recent launch of cloud games from Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia, and Google, is quite impressive. Unless it's a puzzle or a little fun, no gaming company would consider releasing a game without making it compatible with chatting apps or offering in-game chats.

7 Game-Changing Tools for Pipedrive Time Tracking

Pipedrive is a popular cloud-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and marketing automation software. It can help you manage your sales funnel by streamlining actions involved in converting qualified leads into successful sales. Unfortunately, Pipedrive doesn’t offer native time tracking. So measuring how long it takes to close a deal and determining the length of each stage of the sales process is difficult.

How Can Team Leads Encourage More Voices In Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings have undeniably improved workplace communications. With so many remote team communication tools with advanced features like Q&A, breakout rooms, chat, reaction icons, virtual whiteboards, and so on, it has never been easier to ask questions and seek ideas from meeting attendees. But, think back to your virtual meetings this week. How many of them were successful? Are awkward silences the norm in your meetings?

Best Project Management Software For Healthcare

Choosing best project management software for healthcare can be a challenging task, because managing healthcare projects means you have to ensure that all parts of the project are done correctly and on time without delay. This can be pretty hard depending on how big the project is as well as how complex it is. So what many companies do is they hand out a project manager to oversee everything that needs to be done.

7 Steps to Start an IT Consulting Business

IT professionals interested in starting an IT consulting business are in luck. We’re here to guide you through the essential framework of starting your consulting service. If you haven’t already, check out our other articles on the basics of an IT Consultant Job Description & Main Tasks and How to Become an IT Consultant. These should give you a solid understanding of consulting firms and IT business consultants.

5 ways to keep remote employees engaged via communication

Over the next few years, remote working will become more popular. Numerous businesses and workers are now realizing the benefits of remote working as they have grown accustomed to it. Digital workplaces are a new normal after the outbreak of COVID-19. This significant career change was undertaken by millions of workers throughout the world, and companies also had to adjust accordingly.

How Chatbots Have Improved and Elevated The Human Experience

Ever wish a robot could cook or clean for you? We might not be on Jetsons-level technology, but for customer service and sales professionals, the robot assistants are already here. When you hear “chatbots” what do you think of? Helpful robots, conversational cannon fodder, or malevolent machines bent on siphoning off human employment? Well for one, chatbots aren’t coming for Customer Support jobs. Secondly, the others are both correct, but only to an extent.