Social media. Everyone uses it, but not everyone does so effectively. Companies with a robust social media strategy are often more successful. Great social media marketing accounts for the needs of both the consumer and the business. You can achieve this through careful research and a detailed social media strategy template.
Social media has significantly changed the way people communicate at home and at work. But should you be encouraging social media use at work, or is workplace use of social media nothing more than an unwanted distraction? In this article I will outline the risks and benefits of social media in the workplace, the best practices for managing social media use at work, and provide you with a social media policy example that you can use in your organization.
As a company, you want to save as much money as possible. Upwork Fees can be a significant expense, so it is important to find ways to reduce them. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of Upwork fee and charges and tips to eliminate or reduce them.
Fostering a developer team that is empowered to consistently and quickly produce their best work is a necessary goal for every software team. But the demands on developer teams to produce more code faster than ever — combined with the challenges of remote work — can create an environment that isn’t conducive to developer productivity. Want to improve developer productivity at your organization?
Employees are the most valuable asset of any organization, and creating a proper team structure offers an opportunity to maximize their talents. An efficient collaboration within multi-talented team members is a gateway to a company’s success. Three in four employees consider teamwork and collaboration as “very important,” but unfortunately, 39% of employees globally say their firms don’t collaborate enough. The reason?
For years, experts have been saying that telecommuting—otherwise known as working from home—would be the "wave of future." However, few predicted the wave would rapidly crash into the real world so quickly to become the "new normal." A recent study showed about 20% of people said they worked from home prior to the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. As of late 2021, 71% of workers were reportedly working from home.
Check out this list of 15 best Workpuls alternatives. Compare the top features, pricing and user ratings to find out the best fit for your needs. If you're running out of time, skip to #1. Are you the one that chooses the best one after trying so many alternatives? Alternatively, if you've used Workpuls for a few days and are now seeking for the best alternative, this list will be useful.
For businesses today, taking care to reach customers where they are, and connecting with them on their terms, is critical. Where are customers spending their time? On instant messaging and social media apps such as Slack, text messages and WhatsApp. In today’s digital-first world, receiving customer support through such channels seems like the most logical approach, and for many customers, this is indeed the case.