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Pandemic Paradigm Shift: Employees now spend 36% less time on strategy

Not all work is created equal—especially in our new, more agile work environment. Whether you’re an individual contributor, a manager, or a leader in the C-Suite, your day includes some mix of strategic work, skilled work, and “work about work.” Read this article in French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Korean, Swedish, Italian, Polish, or Japanese.

9 Tips for Working Effectively With Developer Portals

The experience developers go through using developer portals is not always perfect. What leads to this? What is the difference between a perfect experience and one that does not work for developers? Sometimes, a poor experience might be a result of an unreliable API. However, most of the time, it is caused by issues with the website developers use to gain access to the APIs. This website is known as the developer portal.

7 Skills Every Customer Service Manager Needs

If you’re looking for an upward career movement in customer service, you need to be prepared to deal with difficult situations from day one. Be it face-to-face, over phone, email or even chat, whenever something goes wrong, a customer service manager will be the first point of contact for customer support agents trying to solve uncommon or complicated customer problems.

Play, Support, Repeat: How Gaming Companies Can Design a Winning Customer Experience

Proactive and supportive customers, gamers are extremely loyal – to others in their community, and to the games they know and love. This strong sense of being part of a like-minded community and social element is what draws many to the pursuit, all while being afforded the freedom to take risks, progress towards set goals, and a chance to fail, while in a safe space.

Best Time Management Software for Small Business

Time is our most precious asset in work and life. According to productivity expert Oliver Burkeman, life is time management. The dictionary defines “time management” as “the analysis of how working hours are spent and the prioritization of tasks to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace.” As Burkeman suggests, though, effective (or ineffective) time management will spill into other areas of our lives, giving us more or less time for activities outside of work.

How to Define a Clear Help Desk Ticketing Process Flow

An efficient service desk is a major component of a great customer experience. When a customer has a query or they’re facing any issues with your products or services, they expect a quick solution. And any delay or inefficiencies within the help desk operations translates to a delay in resolving customer queries. This will frustrate your customers and create a poor customer experience. A clear help desk ticketing process flow can help you avoid this situation and create an efficient help desk.

Customer Service Outsourcing: A Call Away From Success

If you are looking for a way to improve your company’s performance, customer service outsourcing is the ace under your sleeve! As a company owner, all the decisions you make can have a significant impact on consumer behavior. And, ultimately, your company’s profits. That’s why it’s so vital to offer good customer service at every stage of the customer experience. Be ready to build a customer support team!

7 ways to create a great customer experience strategy

Companies that excel at customer experience have been shown to drive revenues 4-8% higher than their competitors. This increase can be attributed to a variety of benefits that arise from improving CX. First, a great customer experience leads to higher loyalty rates. Second, 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience, according to research from PWC. Additionally, people who enjoy their customer care typically tell others about it.