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Are Your Employees Slacking Off? What to Look For and How to Stop It

Slacking off at work seems so easy nowadays, we got that video of the cute, little parrot throwing everything from the kitchen counter, the birth of a new meme every single week, and wait! Did Billie Eilish change her hair color again? Ah! Distractions are just everywhere. Yes, we can find a million and one things to distract us during work hours, but it doesn’t mean we have to allow it, and even less to hinder our work performance.

ITIL Best Practices and Processes for CSM

ITIL 4 establishes the service value system (SVS) to show “how all the components and activities of an organization work together to facilitate value creation.” This is comprised of five elements: It’s vital to understand the core principles before you can relate them to customer service, as they all play a role in the customer journey.

BundesMessenger is a milestone in Germany's ground-breaking vision

It’s incredibly exciting to see BWI, the IT services provider of the German Armed Forces, launching an official beta version of BundesMessenger, a secure messenger for Germany’s public administration (öffentliche Verwaltung ÖV) including federal, state and local authorities.

Project Framework Examples, Frameworks And Methodologies

There are a lot of talks these days about “project frameworks.” What is a project framework, and why should you use one? Project frameworks are a vital part of any project management process. They provide a structure for managing projects and help stakeholders stay focused on the task at hand. Frameworks are a great way to structure your project and keep everything organized. They can help you stay on track, make better decisions, and avoid common mistakes.

G2 Awards for Winter 2023

G2 Awards Based on thousands of reviews within the IT Service Management sector on G2, HaloITSM has been awarded 6 badges for the Winter of 2023. As you can see from the image above, these awards include: Overall, three of our ratings that stand out on G2, which we are really proud of, include ‘Ease of Use’ (9.8/10), ‘Quality of Support’ (9.7/10) and ‘Ease of Setup’ (9.2/10).

Gantt Chart Vs Timeline: Similarities and Differences Explained

When it comes to planning and managing projects, many people prefer the Gantt Chart method. This basic visual tool is simple to understand, easy to use, and can help you stay organized and on track. However, there are times when the Timeline method may be a better choice. For instance, if you’re dealing with a long project that has multiple phases, a Timeline can be more effective in highlighting each stage and minimizing confusion. Which method should you use? That’s up to you!

4 Ways to Promote Upward Communication Across Remote Teams

Poor communication could be shrinking your paycheck and cost a single company over $60 million annually. Small companies aren’t immune to poor communication woes, either. Communication blunders cost $420,000 per year in companies with 100 employees or fewer. Big or small, poor communication costs companies money. This loss of revenue can certainly impact employee salaries and bonuses.

Why you need to think about internationalization before you start developing software

Starting a new project is exciting. There’s so much to think about — like how to make it scalable, reliable, maintainable, and secure. With so many moving parts to juggle, internationalization — or the process of designing software so it can be translated into many languages — is often not your first priority. Today, Mattermost is shipped in 21 languages. The entire Mattermost project contains more than 64,000 words in 9,500 sentences.