Bonding Beyond Borders: Cultivating Unshakable Connections in Remote Teams
How to forge strong work relationships in remote teams.
How to forge strong work relationships in remote teams.
To say that companies have a lot on their plates today is an understatement. As a result, it’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget about the most important asset your business has—its employees.
A guide to 7 excellent opportunities that emerge in a recession.
IT service management involves complex practices and procedures, especially as companies grow. As a result, keeping a close eye on every aspect of the service management framework can be challenging to ensure that all core functions are being performed efficiently. In addition, manually auditing an ITSM system can take much time, and this takes from the time available actually to correct issues or inefficiencies as they arise.
There are ways to integrate cross-channel notifications via individual APIs, but we’re here to provide you with a quick guide to send across your preferred channels in one single API call. This guide will focus on sending and automating messages via Slack, MS Teams, and any other channel of your choice from your Node.js applications. You can also automate Slack and Microsoft Teams notifications using Python. This blog is a comprehensive setup guide.
At Freshworks, we have always built software that delivers value to our customers. It starts with a deep understanding of the day-to-day users of our solutions.
What if we told you that there were “hacks” for bumping your clients’ SEO strategy to the next level? Of course, unlocking SEO growth for better client results has a ton of factors. Everything from social media strategies to content marketing efforts plays a role in how your clients pull in new customers and increase search traffic.